HC Deb 23 July 1986 vol 102 cc282-3W
Mr. Robin Cook

asked the Secretary of State for Energy how much of the depleted uranium stockpile has been re-enriched for use in British or foreign nuclear programmes since 1956.

Mr. Goodlad

I am asking the chairman of BNFL to write to the hon. Member.

Mr. D. E. Thomas

asked the Secretary of State for Energy (1) if he will set out in tabular form (a) the amount of magnox spent fuel reprocessed arising from the Latina and Tokoi Mura reactors and imported for processing in the United Kingdom, (b) the amounts of magnox spent nuclear fuel reprocessed arising from the electricity board reactors for each year since 1963;

(2) if magnox spent fuel from Latina and Tokoi Mura reactors has ever been co-processed with spent nuclear fuel from Calder Hall and Chapel Cross reactors.

Mr. Goodlad

These are operational matters for British Nuclear Fuels plc.

Mr. D. E. Thomas

asked the Secretary of State for Energy if he will now publish the text of the safeguards agreement concluded on 3 June between Her Majesty's Government and the European Commission concerning the application of safeguards to the magnox reprocessing material balance area at Sellafield.

Mr. Goodlad

I have nothing to add to my right hon. Friend's reply to the hon. Member of 12 June, at column268–69.

Mr. D. E. Thomas

asked the Secretary of State for Energy (1) whether the United Kingdom-European Commission agreement on the safeguarding of civil nuclear material flows through Sellafield contains provisions for continuous physical nuclear safeguards;

(2) what provisions are in force to ensure that magnox spent nuclear fuel from Latina in Italy and Tokai Mura in Japan are open to continuous physical nuclear safeguards when being reprocessed at Sellafield.

Mr. Goodlad

I refer to the answer given to the hon. Member for Leeds, West (Mr. Meadowcroft) on 14 July at column388.

Mr. D. E. Thomas

asked the Secretary of State for Energy if he will consider publishing, weekly, until December, an input-output table of spent magnox nuclear fuel and depleted uranium/plutonium stocks arising from the throughput at the Windscale works B205 reprocessing plant at British Nuclear Fuels, Sellafield.

Mr. Goodlad

In this period the plant will handle material from the United Kingdom's defence reactors and the information cannot therefore be given.

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