HC Deb 22 July 1986 vol 102 cc130-6W
Dr. Hampson

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science whether he will list grants made available to universities in Great Britain in the financial year 1985–86 on the advice of the University Grants Committee and of the computer board.

Mr. Walden

The information requested is as follows:

Grants to universities and colleges etc.
For Recurrent Grants
General Purposes Overseas Research Student Awards Scheme Restructuring* Total Subhead A1 Computers Subhead B2
£ thousand £ thousand £ thousand £ thousand £ thousand
Aberdeen University 25,044 39 25,083 304
Dundee University 16,874 30 16,904 117
Edinburgh University 50,064 122 50,186 801
Glasgow University 47,824 84 47,908 328
Heriot-Watt University 12,165 21 12,186 140
St. Andrews University 13,146 23 13,169 123
Stirling University 9,814 8 9,822 91
Strathclyde University 26,138 94 26,232 287
Other payments † 614 ‡ 215 829 || 607
Total 1,278,213 4,315 72 1,282,600 20,152
* Payments in respect of redundancy compensation only.
† £576,759 paid direct to the University Central Council on Admissions, and £37,229 in respect of the National Engineering Laboratory, East Kilbride.
‡£144,325 paid to Cranfield Institute of Technology, £61,064 to the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals for administration of the overseas research student fees support scheme and £9,600 to the Royal College of Art.
|| £607,380 paid to the Rutherford and Appleton Laboratories (SERC)
¶ In addition to the payments tabulated alongside, the following in respect of subhead B1, compensation for loss of fee income were also made: Bradford £3,830, City £2,475, Leeds £7,530, Liverpool £10,132, London £4,640, Oxford £24,600, Sussex £15,620 and Wales £11,300.

Grants to universities and colleges
For capital expenditure
Universities etc. Subhead A2(2) Medical and dental schools Subhead A3** Furniture and equipment Subhead A3 Computers Subhead B3
£ thousand £ thousand £ thousand £ thousand
Aston University 1,545 1,330
Bath University 170 1,203 30
Birmingham University 3,051 52
Bradford University 1,329 266
Bristol University 6 1,991 5
Brunel University 13 1,133 105
Cambridge University 64 4,486 21
City University 741 338
Durham University 1,166 16
East Anglia University 109 881 21
Essex University 592 301
Exeter University 29 21 918 71
Hull University 879 6
Keele University 241 560 27
Kent University 708 4
Lancaster University 796 306
Leeds University 272 2,968 19
Leicester University 175 120 1,599 8
Liverpool University 771 90 2,502 4
London Business School 61
London University, including its Colleges and Schools 3,842 3,818 21,097 3,897
Loughborough University of Technology 1,745 209
Manchester Business School 37
Manchester University
Manchester University Institute of Science and 2 3,240 1,189
Technology 351 1,601
Newcastle Upon Tyne University 1,115 2,352 1,805
Nottingham University 838 2,197 96
Oxford University 127 4,044 158
Reading University 245 1,720
Salford University 847 1,223 206
Sheffield University 482 2,297 1,404
Southampton University 510 197 2,307 19
Surrey University 25 1,312 1
Sussex University 1,150 2
Warwick University 38 1,059 912
York University 832 2
University of Wales, including University Colleges and Institute of Science and Technology 228 4,766 456

For capital expenditure
Universities etc. Subhead A2(2) Medical and dental schools Subhead A3** Furniture and equipment Subhead A3 Computers Subhead B3
£ thousand £ thousand £ thousand £ thousand
Aberdeen University 99 332 1,563 45
Dundee University 854
Edinburgh University 6 3,560 110
Glasgow University 999 61 3,494 129
Heriot-Watt University 1,418 1,082 80
St. Andrews University 649 232
Stirling University 394 14
Strathclyde University 150 1,797 71
Other payments 4,863 † 546
TOTAL 10,260 7,551 100,344 14,513
* The sums provided from subhead A3, earmarked for individual universities as shown, were transferred to a deposit account with the Paymaster General from which issues were made as required towards meeting the cost of furniture and equipment. The balance remaining in the deposit account at 31 March 1986, which is not liable to surrender to the Consolidated Fund, was £13,634,011.
† Other payments comprise £205,364 fees paid to the Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency for negotiating contracts and £340,252 paid to the Rutherford and Appleton Laboratories (SERC) for networking projects.

Grants and loans for long term capital projects: Universities etc., (Subhead A2(1))
Details of expenditure on works services costing more than £1 million shown in Table 1 to the Estimate
Project Provision Expenditure Expenditure compared with Provision
Less than Provided More than Provided
£ thousand £ thousand £ thousand £ thousand
Building projects and purchases of existing buildings:
1. New and on-going projects originally expected to cost £1 million or more
East Anglia University: Education Building 60 48 12
Reading University: Library II 110 223 113
Glasgow University: Library III 950 974 24
Reading University: Food Studies Building II 20 22 2
Salford University: Physical Restructuring 1,795 263 1,532
London University: Bedford/Royal Holloway Merger
(a) Earth Sciences Building 1,700 2,034 334
(b) Life Sciences, Arts and Mathematics 1,490 1,565 75
Liverpool University: Faculty of Education and Extension Studies 675 771 96
Heriot-Watt University:
(a) Building Engineering 1,075 924 151
(b) Chemical and Process Engineering 485 55 430
(c) Library II/Arts 320 49 271
(d) Biochemistry 75 21 54
Southampton University: Library 910 510 400
Bath University: Building 6 East 285 170 115
London University
Queen Mary College: Library 160 183 23
Umist: Library 655 351 304
Dundee University: Library 370 370
Sub total 11,135 8,163 3,639 667
2. On-going projects 502 1,921 1,419
3. Purchase of sites and building scheduled for demolition 176 176
4. End-year flexibility 616 616
Total (Universities etc.) (Subhead A2(l)) 12,253 10,260 4,255 2,262

Grants and loans for long term capital projects: medical and dental schools, (Subhead A2(2)
Details of expenditure on works services costing more than £1,000,000 shown in Table 2 to the Estimate
Project Provision Expenditure Expenditure compared with Provision
Less than Provided More than Provided
£000 £000 £000 £000
Building projects and purchase of existing buildings:

Project Provision Expenditure Expenditure compared with Provision
Less than Provided More than Provided
£000 £000 £000 £000
1. New and on-going projects originally expected to cost the UGC £1 million or more
London University: St. Mary's HMS, Phase 1B 1,100 1,436 336
Aberdeen University: Medical School Reconstruction 540 322 218
London University: Institute of Child Care, Cardiac Wing, Remedial Works 1,965 889 1,076
London University: Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Cyclotron Building, Remedial Works 270 173 97
Manchester University: Royal Infirmary, Phase II 710 710
Sheffield University: School of Clinical Dentistry 125 125
Newcastle University: Royal Victoria Infirmary, Phase V 300 450 150
2. New and on-gong phased medical projects, the total UGC contribution to all phases expected to be £1 million or more
London University: Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Redevelopment of Hammersmith Hospital, Phase 1 150 104 46
London University: St. George's HMS, Block H 100 53 47
Sub Total 5,260 3,427 2,319 486
3. Projects expected to start in 1985–86 on which the UGC contribution not yet agreed 1,050 1,050
4. On-going projects costing the UGC less than £1 million 4,610 4,124 486
5. Furniture on Health-controlled schemes 1,450 1,450
6. Purchase of sites and buildings for demolition 500 500
7. End-year flexibility *660 660
Total (Medical and Dental Schools) (Subhead A2(2)) 13,530 7,551 6,465 486
Total (Universities, etc.) (Subhead A2(1) (Table 1)) 12,253 10,260 4,255 2,262
Total Subhead A2 †25,783 17,811 10,720 2,748
* This amount was allocated to the A2(1) sub-head.
† In accordance with Treasury requirements, 5 per cent. of this total (£1,289,000) was retained in the A2 sub-head at the end of the financial year for end-year flexibility. In addition, Treasury agreement was given for £2,717,00 of this total amount to be vired from sub-head A2 to A1 for distribution as capital-in-recurrent grant.

Grants for expenditure long term capital computer projects (Subhead B3)
Details of expenditure on computer projects costing more than £1,000,000 shown in Table 3 to the Estimate
Project Provision Expenditure Expenditure compared with Provision
Less than Provided More than Provided
£000 £000 £000 £000
Projects costing £1 million or more* London University (Imperial College) New computer 60 97 37
Manchester University Front end computer 154 159 5
Strathclyde University New computer 229 11 218
Liverpool University New computer 199 199
Sheffield University New computer 1,375 1,404 29
Newcastle University New computer 1,500 1,749 249
Aston University New computer 1,100 1,330 230
London (ULCC)—New Computer 2,000 2,000
Sub Total 4,617 6,750 417 2,550
Projects costing less than £1 million 9,261 7,763 1,498
End-year flexibility 635 635
Total (Subhead B3) 14,513 14,513 2,550 2,550
* These purchases are made on the basis of fixed price contracts