§ Mr. Wallaceasked the Secretary of State for Scotland, further to his reply of 15 July, whether he will give a detailed breakdown of the estimated £5,000 cost to the inquiry reporters' unit of holding a one-day session in Lerwick of the public inquiry into the proposed reprocessing plant at Dounreay.
§ Mr. RifkindIt has been calculated that the costs of holding the Dounreay public inquiry amount to £1,581 per day. This sum covers such items as salaries and fees, travel and subsistance, hire of inquiry premises, telephone installation and charges, the provision of a daily transcript of the proceedings and the installation and provision of photocopying facilities.
If the inquiry team of four were to move to Lerwick for a one-day session, they would have to devote two additional days to travel. The total cost would therefore be three times the daily rate quoted above, plus the travel cots of £440.
§ Mr. Chris Smithasked the Secretary of State for Scotland if the Nature Conservancy Council has submitted written evidence to the public inquiry considering the expansion of facilities at Dounreay; and if he will instruct the Nature Conservancy Council to appear before the inquiry.
§ Mr. RifkindI shall reply to the hon. Member as soon as possible.