HC Deb 30 January 1986 vol 90 cc571-3W
Mr. Peter Bruinvels

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what would be the salary, at 1 April 1985, 1 November 1985, 1 April 1986 and 1 November 1986, including the rise in public sector pay assumed by the 1986–87 rate support grant settlement, for teachers (a) entering the profession as new graduates, (b) at the top of

Teachers' salary rates at 1 April and 1 November 1985, and 1 April and 1 November 1986, on the basis of pay offers for 1985 made by the management panel of the Burnham Committee
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)
Category New entrant graduate Top of scale 1 Mid-point scale 2 Bottom scale 3 Top of scale 2 Top of scale 3 Head group 2 Had group 12
Current salary 6,252 8,556 8,004 7,734 9,597 11,031 11,073 20,706
With 4 per cent. offer added
1 April 1985 6,502 8,898 8,324 8,043 9,981 11,472 11,516 21,534
1 November 1985 6,749 8,898 8,611 8,324 9,981 11,472 11,516 21,534
1 April 1986 6,749 8,898 8,611 8,324 9,981 11,472 11,516 21,534
1 November 1986 7,001 8,898 8,898 8,611 9,981 11,472 11,516 21,534
With 5 per cent. offer added
1 April 1985 6,564 8,984 8,404 8,120 10,077 11,583 11,627 21,741
1 November 1985 6,813 8,984 8,694 8,404 10,077 11,583 11,627 21,741
1 April 1986 6,813 8,984 8,694 8,404 10,077 11,583 11,627 21,741
1 November 1986 7,069 8,984 8,984 8,694 10,077 11,583 11,627 21,741
With improvements offered in Burnham Committee on 12 September
1 April 1985 6,732 9,036 8,484 8,214 10,077 11,582 11,626 21,741
1 November 1985 7,035 9,456 8,844 8,565 10,173 11,694 11,737 21,948
1 April 1986 7,035 9,456 8,844 8,565 10,509 12,087 11,737 21,948
1 November 1986 7,278 9,774 9,123 9,456 10,509 12,087 13,026 24,363
With informal offer of 14 October added
1 April 1985 6,683 9,146 8,556 8,268 10,259 11,792 11,837 22,135
1 November 1985 6,937 9,146 8,851 8,556 10,259 11,792 11,837 22,135
1 April 1986 6,976 9,198 8,901 8,604 10,317 11,858 11,903 22,259
1 November 1986 7,237 9,198 9,197 8,901 10,317 11,858 11,903 22,259
With agreement of 24 January added
1 April 1985 6,683 9,146 8,556 8,268 10,259 11,792 11,837 22,135
1 November 1985 6,937 9,146 8,851 8,556 10,259 11,792 11,837 22,135
1 April 1986 7,037 9,283 8,979 8,680 10,413 11,969 12,014 22,466
1 November 1986 7,304 9,283 9,283 8,984 10,413 11,969 12,014 22,466


1. New entrants assumed to have entered at point 4 of scale 1 on September 1984.

2. Top of scale 1 and top of scale 2 teachers assumed not to be entitled to good honours graduate additions.

3. Mid-point scale 2 taken as point 7.

4. Head teachers assumed to be at their salary maximum throughout.

scale 1, (c) at the mid-point on scale 2, (d) at the bottom of scale 3, (e) at the top of scale 2, (f) at the top of scale 3; and for heads (g) of group 2 primary schools and (h) of group 12 secondary schools if (i) the formal offer of 12 September 1985, (ii) the informal offer of 14 October 1985 or (iii) the agreement of 24 January 1986 were implemented; and, for each of (a) to (h), what is the salary at present actually received.

Sir Keith Joseph

The attached table shows the salary rates, excluding allowances, that teachers who on April 1984 were in the categories listed would have received under all the formal offers, and the informal one of 14 October 1985, made by the employers since January 1985 —so far as this can be determined from the terms of the offers made. The salary rates shown assume normal incremental progression but do not take account of the annual pay increase from 1 April 1986. This has yet to be negotiated.

5. All examples assume assimilation without promotion to the new scales envisaged in the September package.

6. Examples assume that the 14 October informal offer comprised 6.9 per cent. on all scales from 1 April 1985 rising to 7.5 per cent. on all scales on 31 March 1986.

7. The January agreement consists of a 6.9 per cent. increase on all scales with effect from 1 April 1985 and an additional 1.6 per cent. on all scales from 31 March 1986, calculated on the 31 March 1985 base.