§ Mr. Douglasasked the Secretary of State for Defence (1) if he will list the companies/consortia which have shown an interest in bidding for the refit and repair services at Rosyth and Devonport dockyards, detailing the amount of current contracts placed by his Department with such organisations or any subsidiaries;
(2) if he will list the personnel of the companies which have visited Her Majesty's dockyards at Rosyth and Devonport in order to acquaint themselves with facilities and services in which they might be interested in relation to the Dockyard Services Bill and the personnel of his Department whom they met on such visits.
§ Mr. Douglasasked the Secretary of State for Defence if he will give estimates of the total amount of capital expenditure authorised for Rosyth dockyard and the percentage of that expenditure which can specifically be allocated to the Trident programme.
§ Mr. LeeCurrent plans for Rosyth dockyard envisage expenditure on capital works of £220 million, of which 20 per cent. is specifically allocated to the Trident programme, and expenditure on plant and machinery of £82 million, of which 22 per cent. is for the Trident programme.
§ Mr Douglasasked the Secretary of State for Defence if he will give estimates of capital expenditure at Rosyth dockyard which has been specifically allocated for dual refitting of nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines and nuclear-powered fleet submarines.
§ Mr. LeeExpenditure on capital works of £188 million, and on plant and machinery of £23 million has been allocated for dual refitting at Rosyth dockyard of nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines and nuclear-powered fleet submarines.
§ Mr. Douglasasked the Secretary of State for Defence if he will give estimates of capital expenditure at Rosyth dockyard which has been allocated for conventional refit purposes.
§ Mr. LeeNo major capital works associated with refitting of conventionally propelled submarines and surface ships are currently planned. The sum of £59 million has been allocated for expenditure on plant and machinery associated with such refits.