§ Mr. Allan Robertsasked the Secretary of State for the Environment what schemes operating in the Knowsley 417W borough area of Merseyside are funded by urban aid money; and what schemes have operated in the Knowsley borough area of Merseyside in the years 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984 and 1985 which have been funded by urban aid moneys.
§ Sir George YoungThe information requested for the years 1981–82 to 1985–86 is as follows:
Schemes in receipt of Urban Programme Grant in Knowsley 1981–82 to 1985–86
- Units for disruptive pupils
- Nursery places at St. Agnes, Huyton
- Nursery places at St. Mark's, Huyton
- Nursery places at Sacred Heart, Kirkby
- Liverpool and District Family Service Unit
- Nursery Class, Prescot
- Playgroup Schemes (under 5's)
- Hillside Play Centre
- Nursery Class, Westvale CP School
- Nursery Class, Mosscroft CP School
- Nursery Class, Willis CP School
- Treatment of demolished flats sites, Kirkby
- Cantril Farm Day Nursery
- Princess Drive Day Nursery
- St. Domingo RC School
- Park Brow CP School
- St. Columbas RC School
- St. Maries RC School
- Park View CP School
- Page Moss CP School
- Home School Liaison Project
- Halewood CAB
- Huyton-Whiston CAB
- Mardale Family Centre
- Community Development Officer, Halewood
- St. Aloysius RC School
- Cherryfield CP School
- Parkbrow CP School
- Environmental Improvements
- Employment of additional trainees
- Remedial teachers, Halewood, Cantril and Parkway Comprehensive Schools
- Parkview Adventure Playgrounds, Huyton
- Additional support for nursery education
- "Whiston House" Voluntary Services Centre
- Hilton Grace Youth Club
- Tower Hill Playleader Scheme
- Adventure playground Line Square
- Provision of additional nursery classes at New Hutte and Longview Primary Schools
- NACRO Knowsley Neighbourhood Project
- Bridgefield School conversion to recreation and sports centre
- Stockbridge Village Trust
- NACRO Knowsley Neighbourhood Project Huyton
- Prescot Leisure Centre
- Additional nursery support
- Former Bridgefield School phase I—Conversion to recreation and sports centre
- Full time organiser for CAB
- Changing room facilities, Cronton
- Fencing of Lathom Road health centre
- Landscaping of Tower Hill health centre, Kirkby
- Financial Assistance package
- Refurbishment of Administration Buildings
- Co-op development officer
- Signing of Knowsley Industrial Park (Ph 1), Kirkby
- Fencing of Depot Road Phase I Knowsley KIP, Kirkby
- Provision of small units refurbishment/conversion
- Children with language disorders
- Adult Education/Community use of schools
- 14–16 Curriculum development project
- Refurbishment of specialist areas in schools
- Two borough nursery units
418 - Two voluntary nursery units
- Torrington Drive: Environmental Improvements, Halewood
- Torrington Drive: Shops—Halewood
- Housing areas reclamation
- Finch House, Huyton
- Huyton Leisure Centre, Weight training room
- Kirkby Sports Centre running track
- Kirby Sports Centre cycle track
- Grant aid to companies for improvement scheme
- Voluntary sector liaison
- Programme co-ordination
- Extension of Lathom Road kitchen
- Minibus transport
- Kirkby Unemployed Centre—claimants right
- Kirkby Unemployed Centre—securing exterior
- Cantril Association for employment
- Kirkby Community Initiative Agency
- Ruffwood P.T.A.—Purchase of Railway Station, Kirkby
- Halewood Boys Club—replacement of boiler
- Cantril Farm Research and Unemployed Centre
- CAFE: refurbishment of surplus school premises
- Finch House intensive management
- Stockbridge Village Trust
- Northwood Community refurbishment scheme
- Knowsley ITEC
- Norcross House Resource Centre
- Dirty trades area, Draw Well Road
- Workshop units, Knowsley Industrial Park
- Security Fencing, Knowsley Industrial Park
- Construction of loop road, Knowsley Industrial Park
- Knowsley Enterprise Agency
- Prescot Leisure Centre, synthetic pitch
- Provision of Patients/relatives waiting area, Whiston
- Community Physiotherapist
- Twig Lane Clinic—major improvement, Page Moss
- Area health clinics—minor improvement
- Advanced fees for feasibility studies
- LA shopping areas—major refurbishment
- Enhancement of environmental improvement schemes
- Environmental improvements
- Financial assistance to the private sector
- Security—environmental improvement—Merseyside County Council chase support
- Acquisition of land and buildings, Kirkby
- Landscaping in association with Highland works, Kirkby
- Assistance private sector security/improvements/tourism
- Radshaw Court Tower Hill Kirkby
- Leather's Lane Halewood, Refurbishment
- Dixon Road, Knowsley Industrial Park, Kirkby
- Gores Road extension, Knowsley Industrial Park, Kirkby
- Depot Road refurbishment, Knowsley Industrial Park, Kirkby
- Otis Elevators—Access Road, Kirkby
- Refurbishment of Industrial premises with private sector, Kirkby
- Business Resource Centre Enterprise Agency, Kirkby
- Signposting Knowsley Industrial Park Phase II, Kirkby
- Upgrading offices and shops Phase II Knowsley Industrial Park, Kirkby
- Adult education, college, youth services
- Non-attendance at school project
- Disruptive pupils unit
- Provision for further adjustment units
- Two voluntary nursery units
- Environmental improvements in residential areas
- Support for NACRO project, Huyton
- Mother and baby units (Cherryfield), Kirkby
- Knowsley Handicapped Adventure Play Association, Page Moss
- Summer holiday play projects
- Arts in Knowsley
- Expansion of Childrens library services, Stockbridge, Halewood
- Refurbishment of football changing rooms, Pagemoss, Swanside
- Book bus
- Pre-school playgroups—renewal
- Auto Services Workers Co-operative, Kirkby
- Dayspace training schemes
- Parsons house farm improvements
- Huyton Council for Voluntary Service
- Soft play extension
- Knowsley Citizens Advice Bureaux — Mobile, Stockbridge,
- Huyton
- NSPCC—services for under fives, Kirkby
- Liverpool and Knowsley Family Services Unit, Huyton, Stockbridge
- St. Mary's Church Hall, care project, Halewood
- Community Transport in Knowsley—various
- Halewood Community Council—renewal
- Community Chest Fund
- CDS Training Limited—support
- Services for unemployed
- Stockbridge Village Trust
- Northwood Community refurbishment scheme
- Finch House intensive management
- Aid to Industry—Merseyside CC funded
- Workers Co-operative Start Up Grants
- Support for Unemployed Resource Centres
- Twig Lane Clinic—Phase II, Page Moss
- Speech therapist, Language Disorders Unit
- Additional speech therapist, elderly-mentally ill
- Physiotherapist for children
- Health visitors
- Radshaw Court, Tower Hill, Kirkby
- Signposting—Knowsley Industrial Park Phase II, Kirkby
- Kirkby Town Centre—enhancement
- River Alt pollution survey, Huyton
- Lickers Lane, completion of driveway, Whiston
- Aid to Industry—block allocation
- Support for M57 Strategy, Huyton
- Britonwood Improvement Phase II, Kirkby
- Small unit support—Otis Elevators, Kirkby
- Support for Knowsley Enterprise Agency
- Additional support—Business Resource and ITEC, Kirkby
- Provision of services—Caddick Road/School, Kirkby
- Improvement of LA shopping parades
- Town centre shopping envelope scheme, Prescot, Huyton, Halewood
- Enhancement of Tower Hill environmental schemes, Kirkby
- Derelict land enhancement schemes
Urban programme resources (Merseyside) 1981–82—1985–86 Allocation in £ million cash 1981–82 1982–83 1983–84 1984–85 1985–86 Liverpool 17.40 24.98 25.90 28.28 27.41 Knowsley 0.47 1.34 3.96 5.89 7.43 Wirral 2.79 4.95 7.78 7.83 6.27 Sefton 0.88 0.90 3.03 4.36 2.05 St. Helens 0.49 1.41 1.95 1.55 1.77 Notes: 1. Figures include urban programme expenditure by Merseyside county council and in some cases health authorities. 2. From 1982–83, figures include resources made available for special initiatives on Merseyside. 3. Figures are for complete financial not calendar years. 4. Figures for 1985–86 are provisional.
§ Mr. Allan Robertsasked the Secretary of State for the Environment what central Government funding has been made to the Stockbridge village trust in the current financial year; and how these figures compare with those for each year since 1978–79.
§ Sir George YoungStockbridge village trust was established in April 1983 when it embarked upon a major capital development programme for the estate supported in part by the urban programme through Knowsley borough council. Some works undertaken by the trust have also been eligible for derelict land grant. In the current financial year £1.935 million of UP resources have been approved. Urban programme approvals in earlier years are as follows: £1.719 million in 1984–85 and £1.401 million in 1983–84. DLG resources of £0.144 million were also approved in 1984–85.
- Greenways
- Provision for further adjustment units
- Four nursery units
- Developing reading skills 7–11 year old
- EEC officer
- Finch House environmental improvement Phase II, Huyton
- Hillside Avenue environmental-security scheme, Huyton
- Bridgefield Forum Phase II, Halewood
- Hard play area—Lickers Lane, Whiston
- Field Lane Community Centre, Kirkby
- Kirkby Sports Centre—redesign foyer
- Refurbishment football changing rooms
- Voluntary sector liaison officer
- Acorn Venture, Kirkby
- Small landscaping community programme
- Support for Kirkby Motors
- Halewood Citizens Advice Bureau
- Halewood Community Council
- Kirkby Initiatives Agency—Computer train
- Huyton District Society for Mental Child
- Childrens Society—intermediate treatment
- Huyton Council for Voluntary Service
- Community Chest Fund
- Housing area reclamation schemes
- Stockbridge Village Trust
- Finch House intensive management
Schemes are shown only in the financial year in which they were approved except for 1981–82 which includes revenue schemes approved in previous years but still in receipt of grant in 1981–82.
§ Mr. Allan Robertsasked the Secretary of State for the Environment what urban aid funding has been provided by the Government to Merseyside, district by district, during 1981 and each subsequent year for which figures are available.
§ Sir George YoungThe information requested for the year 1981–82 to 1985–86 is as follows: