HL Deb 27 January 1986 vol 470 cc529-30WA
Lord Avebury

asked her Majesty's Government:

Why modern windows were not installed in C Wing, Parkhurst Prison, during the programme of alterations there, and whether they will state the cost of those alterations.

Lord Glenarthur

The work undertaken in C Wing, at an estimated cost of £280,000, was the minimum necessary to enable the re-establishment there of the therapeutic unit at an early date. It remains our intention, on completion of the other major work in progress or planned at Parkhurst, to carry out a complete refurbishment of C Wing, including the installation of modern windows.

Lord Avebury

asked Her Majesty's Government:

When alterations were started on A and D Wings of Parkhurst Prison; what has been the cost to date; what is the estimated cost to completion; and what improvements in accommodation will result from this expenditure.

Lord Glenarthur

Work has not yet started on A and D Wings. A refurbishment scheme covering A, B and D Wings and the provision of a new kitchen is at an advanced design stage and work is scheduled to begin in 1986–87. The most important improvements to the wings will be the separation of the accommodation into smaller, more manageable units, each with its own discrete association facilities and access to a shared education unit; and the provision of integral sanitation in each cell. The current estimated cost of the scheme, including the kitchen, is £11.28 million.