HC Deb 13 January 1986 vol 89 cc512-5W
Mr. Nellist

asked the Prime Minister if she will give similar information on identifiable grants and subsidies to local authorities to that given in her answer to the hon. Member for Northampton, North (Mr. Marlow) on 12 December, Official Report, columns 712–15, for (a) Coventry, (b) Birmingham and (c) Liverpool both in cash prices and at constant 1979 prices.

The Prime Minister

The identifiable grants and subsidies paid to Coventry, Birmingham and Liverpool

Table 1—Identifiable grants and subsidies paid to Coventry, Birmingham and Liverpool district councils—Cash prices
1979–80 1980–81 1981–82 1982–83 1983–84 1984–85 1985–86
(i) In total £ million 71.9 87.4 80.4 84.4 108.1 102.9 103.5
(Capital grants in brackets) £ million (2.0) (3.1) (1.5) (2.9) (2.8) 102.9 103.5
(ii) Per person £ 213 258 253 266 342 324 330
(iii) Per unemployed person £ 213 258 253 266 4,048 3,837 3,981
(iv) Per unemployed person under 20 £ 213 258 253 266 20,440 19,452 21,514
(v) Per person of pensionable age £ 1,419 1,693 1,538 1,595 2,039 1,931 :1,947
(i) In total £ million 260.9 307.0 255.8 250.7 351.6 356.7 359.3
(Capital grants in brackets) £ million (2.6) (12.3) (5.8) (5.4) (3.6) 356.7 359.3
(ii) Per person £ 241 298 251 246 347 355 358
(iii) Per unemployed person £ 241 298 251 246 3,788 3,857 3,893
(iv) Per unemployed person under 20 £ 241 298 251 246 18,419 20,218 22,089
(v) Per person of pensionable age £ 1,510 1,746 1,437 1,409 1,991 2,031 2,046
(i) In total £ million 164.0 199.1 174.8 181.7 239.9 233. 254.0
(Capital grants in brackets) £ million (5.5) (6.5) (6.1) (8.0) (6.1) 233.5 254.0
(ii) Per person £ 299 388 338 356 477 470 517
(iii) Per unemployed person £ 299 388 338 356 4,343 4,221 4,467
(iv) Per unemployed person under 20 £ 299 388 338 356 20,176 22,245 25,556
(v) Per person of pensionable age £ 1,703 2,061 1,807 1,885 2,533 2,495 2,714
Table 2—Identifiable grants and subsidies paid to Coventry, Birmingham and Liverpool district councils—1979–80 prices
1979–80 1980–81 1981–82 1982–83 1983–84 1984–85 1985–86
In total £ million 71.9 73.5 61.5 60.3 73.9 67.3 64.5
(Capital grants in brackets) £ million (2.0) (2.6) (1.1) (2.1) (1.9) 67.3 64.5
(ii) Per person 213 217 193 190 234 212 205
(iii) Per unemployed person £ 213 217 193 190 2,768 2,511 2,481
(iv) Per unemployed person under 20 £ 213 217 193 190 13,978 12,728 13,408
(v) Per person of pensionable age £ 1,419 1,425 1,176 1,139 1,395 1,263 1,210
(i) In total £ million 260.9 258.4 195.6 179.1 240.5 223.4 233.9
(Capital grants in brackets) £ million (2.6) (10.4) (4.4) (3.8) (2.4) 233.4 223.9
(ii) Per person £ 241 251 192 176 237 232 223
(iii) Per unemployed person £ 241 251 192 176 2,590 2,523 2,426
(iv) Per unemployed person under 20 £ 241 251 192 176 12,596 13,230 13,765
(v) Per person of pensionable age £ 1,510 1,470 1,099 1,007 1,362 1,329 1,275
(i) In total £ million 164.0 167.6 133.6 129.8 164.0 152.8 1:58.3
(Capital grants in brackets) £ million (5.5) (5.4) (4.6) (5.7) (4.2) 152.8 1:58.3
(ii) Per person £> 299 326 258 254 326 307 322
(iii) Per unemployed person £ 299 326 258 254 2,970 2,762 2.784
(iv) Per unemployed person under 20 £ 299 326 258 254 13,798 14,556 15:926
(v) Per person of pensionable age £ 1,703 1,735 1,382 1,347 1,732 1,633 1.691

Notes to Tables 1 and 2

1.Table 1 gives information at cash prices. Table 2 gives the same figures converted to 1979–80 prices using the GDP deflator.

2.The figures include rate support grant, housing subsidies, housing benefit, specific revenue grants and capital grants. Capital grants are not district councils are given in table 1 (cash prices) and table 2 (1979–80 prices). The figures are explained in the notes to tables 1 and 2.

Unemployment statistics by local authority areas are not available prior to 1983–84.

Attention is drawn to the discontinuities which result from the change in the rate support grant arrangements in 1981–82 and the introduction of housing benefit payments by DHSS in 1982–83. available however for 1984–85 and 1985–86. The amounts included for capital grants in the totals for the earlier years are shown in brackets under line (i) of the information for each authority.

3.The figures included for rate support grant are affected by the change which occurred in 1981-82 when block grant and domestic rate relief grant superseded the needs, resources and domestic elements. Figures prior to 1981–82 are not on a comparable basis.

4. Up to 1982–83 the figures include rent and rate rebates paid by the DOE. The 1982–83 figures also include some housing benefits paid by the DHSS. Thereafter, all housing benefits were paid by the DHSS.

5. The figures only include grants and subsidies to the three authorities and do not include any payments to persons, companies or other organisations within the areas administered by them. Information on the latter is not readily available. If such payments could be included, the figures would be very much larger.

6. The figures also exclude any proportion of the grants to the upper tier authorities within whose areas these authorities are located.

7. Estimates of population figures for use in calculating lines (ii) and (v) of the information for each authority were obtained from OPCS. 1984–85 figures have been used as estimates for 1985–86.

8. The figures in lines (iii) and (iv) for each authority are based on unemployment data from the Department of Employment. These are not available before 1983–84. Figures for unemployed persons under 20 have been used in place of those for persons under 21, which are not available.