HC Deb 20 February 1986 vol 92 cc308-9W
Mr. Pavitt

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what action is taken by his Department to ensure the safety and quality of all drugs imported from overseas for use in the National Health Service.

Mr. Hayhoe

The Department operates, on behalf of the licensing authority, a licensing system for medicinal products in accordance with the Medicines Act 1968 and European legislation.

A medicinal product may be imported for sale in the United Kingdom only if a product licence or product licence (parallel importing) has been issued. Before issuing such licences, the licensing authority must be satisfied as to the safety, efficacy and quality of the product. The Department publishes guidelines on the information required by the licensing authority in support of applications for product licences. Once a product licence has been issued, all batches of medicinal products imported for sale must comply with it.

The premises, manufacturing processes and quality assurance procedures of overseas manufacturers are subject to inspection by DHSS medicines inspectors or by the regulatory authority of the country of origin. There are also arrangements for the sampling and testing of imported medicines by the medicines testing laboratory.

The Department has arranged for the establishment by health authorities of arrangements for notifying defects of medicinal products and operates a central defect report

Hospitals approved for complete closure 1 April 1985–30 June 1985
Region District Hospital Date approved
Yorkshire Leeds Eastern Marguerite Hepton May 1985
Yorkshire Leeds Western Grassington May 1985
Yorkshire York Nahurn May 1985
North West Thames South Bedfordshire Priory May 1985
South West Thames Richmond, Twickenham and Roehampton Westmoor House June 1985
Wessex Isle of Wight Longford April 1985
West Midlands South Warwickshire Monroe Devis Maternity Home June 1985

I am sorry I cannot give the hon. Member the other information she seeks as it is not collected centrally.