HC Deb 19 February 1986 vol 92 c198W
Mr. Coombs

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what is the latest information available to him on the consumption per capita in the United Kingdom of sucrose, glucose and other calorific sweetening agents.

Mrs. Fenner

The latest readily available information for the United Kingdom is as follows:

Supplies moving into human consumption 1984*
Sucrose 38.0
Glucose 7.9
Other calorific sweetening agents

* Provisional.

Actual consumption will be less because of wastage and some will be in the form of manufactured foods. National food survey estimates for 1984 indicate household purchases of refined sugar at 13.5 kg/head.

Includes an estimate for the sucrose content of net imports of manufactured foods but excludes sucrose used in the production of alcoholic drinks.

Including glucose syrups.

Supplies are relatively small and food use is restricted mainly to incorporation into diabetic foods.