- Widows' Allowance 113 words
- SERPS 193 words
- Health Care (Costs) 136 words
- Grant Claims (Walthamstow) 129 words
- Constant Attendance Allowance 81 words
- Special Hardship Allowance 942 words
- Kidney Patients 143 words
- Speech Therapists 83 words
- Helping the Community to Care Scheme 68 words
- NHS (Ancillary Workers) 65 words
- Pensions and Benefits 185 words
- Advisory Committee on Drugs 128 words
- Disablement Benefit 119 words
- North-West RHA (Membership) 49 words
- Cadaver Kidneys 217 words
- Victim Support Schemes 92 words
- Severe Weather Payments 115 words
- Young People (Drinking Patterns) 70 words
- Specialist Claims Control 132 words
- Benefit Fraud 52 words
- Under-age Girls (Contraception) 530 words
- Single Homeless People 97 words
- Earnings-related Pensions 308 words
- General Medical Council (Chairman) 29 words
- Social Security Reform 470 words
- Mentally Ill People 102 words
- Psychiatric Service 46 words
- Wrights Vaporising Equipment 85 words
- Post-operative Infections 284 words