HC Deb 12 February 1986 vol 91 c495W
Mr. Kirkwood

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services for the most recent year for which figures are available (a) how many attended appeals were made to the

Social security appeals on supplementary benefit single payments April-December 1984
Attendance and Representation Number of appeals heard and decided Decided in appellant's favour Percentage in appellant's favour
(a) Appellant only 9,365 2,680 28.6
(b) Appellant and representative 5,472 2,592 47.4
(c) Representative only 1,152 443 38.5
All attendances 15,989 5,715 35.7
(d) Neither attended nor represented 11,941 973 8.1
Total appeals heard and decided 27,930 6,688 23.9