HC Deb 10 February 1986 vol 91 cc356-7W
Mr. Park

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what has been the outcome of the continued monitoring referred to in his reply to the hon. Member for Coventry, North East, 17 February 1983, Official Report, column 203, of the import penetration by Japanese machine tool builders of the computer numerically-controlled lathes and machining centres market.

Mr. Alan Clark

The position in terms of numbers is that for computer numerically-controlled lathes the Japanese share of the United Kingdom market has fallen since 1981–82 while the share of the United Kingdom has risen. For CNC machining centres the Japanese share of the market rose sharply between the late 1970s and 1981–83 and fell abruptly in 1984 while the share of the United Kingdom, having fallen, recovered in that year. I understand that discussion between the Japan Machine Tools Builders Association and the Machine Tool Trades Association about Japanese import penetration of the United Kingdom market have continued.

Weight million tons
1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 (Jan-Nov)
(a) Cereals and cereal preparations from sub-Saharan Africa* † 655 ‡ 975 ║494 ¶ 2,941 •662
(b) Cereals and cereal preparations from Ethiopia 2
(c) Cereal substitutes from sub-Saharan Africa* * * * * 23,935
(d) Cereal substitutes from Ethiopia * * * *
(e) Beef from Ethiopia

Source: Data corresponding to SITC/R2 the following headings in the United Kingdom Overseas Trade Statistics—(a) and (b) Division 04, (c) and (d) Items 054.81, 081.19, 081.21, 081.22, 081.39 (part) and 081.93 (part), and (e) Division 01 (part).

* Information relating to imports of cereal substitutes in 1981–84 cannot be supplied within limits of cost.

† Includes 475 million tons from Mali.

‡ Includes 786 million tons from Gambia.

║ Includes 242 million tons from Kenya and 170 million tons from Niger.

¶ Includes 2,703 from Zambia.

• Includes 545 million tons from Mali.

■ Signifies nil trade.

*Sub-Saharan Africa excludes South Africa.