HL Deb 15 December 1986 vol 483 c91WA
Lord Grimond

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What is the latest position with regard to the funding of Birbeck College.

Baroness Hooper

The Court of the University of London has decided that Birkbeck College will receive a grant of £7.9 million in the current academic year. This is £0.6 million more than the court's initial decision, reflecting an equivalent increase in the University Grants Committee's block grant to the University of London after the committee had reconsidered the basis on which it had allocated resources in respect of Birkbeck College.

Decisions on the funding of the Birkbeck College in 1987–88 will not be taken until after the UGC has announced its grant allocations in February. The committee has told the University of London that in the determination of its block grant for 1987–88 Birkbeck College will be treated as a special factor.