HC Deb 05 December 1986 vol 106 cc836-7W
Mr. Gordon Brown

asked the Paymaster-General if he will publish a table showing (a) the numbers and percentages of jobs lost, or gained, in each regional area and in Britain as a whole between June 1979 and June 1986, or the latest month for which figures are available in (b) all industries, (c) all manufacturing industries, (d) all service industries, (e) shipbuilding and repairing, (f) metal goods engineering and vehicles, (g) mechanical engineering, (h) electrical electronic engineering and instrument engineering, (i) health, education and personal social services, (j) retail distribution and (k) banking insurance and financial.

Mr. Trippier

Information about job gains and losses is not available from the Department's statistics, but an indication of the net changes can be seen by comparing levels of employment at different dates.

Regional estimates of the numbers of employees in employment in the shipbuilding and repairing, mechanical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering and instrument engineering industries are not available for June 1979 or June 1986. The available information is given in the following table.

Mr. Gordon Brown

asked the Paymaster General if he will publish a table showing, for each regional area, the number of persons at work, who are (a) employees and (b) self-employed, in June 1979, June 1983 and June 1986 or the latest month for which figures are available; and if he will estimate the number of second jobs included in these figures.

Mr. Trippier

The following tables give the numbers of employees in employment and self-employed at the dates for the area specified.

The second jobs included in the employees in employment estimates are not separately identified, but estimates from the Labour force surveys suggest that the numbers of people with a second job as an employee in Great Britain in spring 1979 and spring 1983 were 289,000 and 372,000 respectively. Estimates are not available for spring 1986. The survey sample is not large enough to give reliable estimates separately for each region.

The employment estimates do not include second jobs when they are held as self-employed.

Table 1—Employees in employment
June 1979 June 1983 June 1986
South East 7,473 7,095 7,400
East Anglia 702 681 725
South West 1,598 1,511 1,559
West Midlands 2,241 1,917 1,940
East Midlands 1,555 1,408 1,437

New Increases in Employment June 1983 to June 1986
South East South West East Anglia Great Britain South East as proportion of Great Britain Per cent. Sum of three regions as Great Britain Per cent.
Employees in banking, finance, business services etc (SIVC80 Division 8) +106 +11 +7 +499 21 25
Employees in service industries (SIC80 Division 6 to 9) +374 +51 +44 +833 45 56
Self employed +224 +45 +26 +505 44 58

For small business the available information relates to VAT registrations and deregistrations. The most recent estimates are that over the five-year period 1980–84 there was a net surplus of registrations over deregistrations of 125,000 in Great Britain as a whole, of which (i) 42 per cent. were in the south-east and (ii) 57 per cent. were in the south-east, south-west and East Anglia taken together.

Mr. Gordon Brown

asked the Paymaster General if he will list the numbers of unemployed for each postal code area in the Dunfermline East constituency for November 1986, November 1983 and November 1985, respectively.

Mr. Trippier

I will reply to the hon. Member as soon as possible.

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