§ Sir Richard Bodyasked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what information he has as to which countries have banned the food additive 154 Brown FK; and what criteria were used in deciding that this additive is safe to eat in the United Kingdom.
§ Mr. Donald ThompsonBrown FK is used in the United Kingdom primarily for colouring kippers. Of other EC countries I believe only Ireland includes it in its permitted list. Brown FK is not currently included on the permitted lists of other member states because the need for it is obviated by differing dietary habits. Following a positive safety evaluation by the European Commission's Scientific Committee for Food the EC Commission has issued proposals which, if adopted, would require all member states to permit its use on smoked fish.
849WI am advised on the need for and safety of food additives by the Food Advisory Committee and the Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment. The safety of Brown FK has recently been re-evaluated by the expert committees as part of the FAC's review of the colouring matter in food regulation which will be published early next year.