HC Deb 29 April 1986 vol 96 c368W
Mr. Colin Shepherd

asked the Paymaster General how many community programme places are presently filled in the area covered by the Hereford city council and the South Herefordshire district council; how many are available but vacant; and how many projects are presently in operation.

Mr. Lang

On 27 March, the latest date for which statistics are available, there were 208 community programme projects in operation in the Marches area, which includes Herefordshire. These projects had a total of 3,020 filled places.

It is not known how many places were "available but vacant". On 4 April jobcentres in the area held notifications of 436 community programme jobs, but these were not all immediately available; sponsors often notify jobs in advance of their becoming available.

Separate figures in respect of the areas covered by Hereford city council and the South Herefordshire district council are not available.

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