HC Deb 21 April 1986 vol 96 c31W
Mr. Frank Cook

asked the Secretary of State for Energy (1) if he will state the volumetric quantities for each of the low-level and low and high-activity intermediate level radioactive wastes, now in store at each nuclear power station, nuclear fuel fabrication, enrichment and reprocessing plant in the United Kingdom;

(2) if he will state the volumetric storage capacities at each and every nuclear power station, nuclear fuel fabrication enrichment and reprocessing plant in the United Kingdom;

(3) if he will provide data on the rate at which all redioactive waste storage facilities in the United Kingdom are being filled; and if he will estimate the date by which each of the facilities will be full.

Mr. Goodlad

These are detailed questions which fall within the responsibility of the industries' managements. I have asked the chairmen to write to the hon. Member.

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