HC Deb 14 April 1986 vol 95 c267W
Mr. Austin Mitchell

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (1) pursuant to his answer to the hon. Member for Great Grimsby on 24 March on Brown FK, on what grounds the United Kingdom supports the proposal to transfer Brown FK from annex II to annex I;

(2) further to his answer to the hon. Member for Great Grimsby on 24 March on Brown FK, whether the representations received from the United Kingdom kipper industry were opposed to the proposal; and what information he has as to the attitudes towards the proposal of other EEC member states;

(3) if there are any proposals emanating from the European Commission which would have the effect of obliging all member states to prohibit the use of Brown FK.

Mrs. Fenner

Brown FK appears in annex II to the EC directive on colouring matter in food. Annex II is a temporary list of colours which member states may permit if they wish. Following advice from its Scientific Committee for Food, the Commission is now proposing to move Brown FK for use on smoked fish, from annex II to annex I of the directive, thereby requiring all member states to accept this use permanently. There is no proposal to prohibit the use of Brown FK on smoked fish. Following advice from the Food Advisory Committee and the Committee on Toxicity on need and safety, the Government supports the Commission's proposal. Representations from the kipper industry support the continued use in the United Kingdom of Brown FK on smoked fish.

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