HL Deb 10 April 1986 vol 473 cc407-8WA
Lord Jenkins of Putney

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will list the countries which have

  1. (i) Signed the 1977 Protocols to the Geneva Convention;
  2. (ii) Ratified their signatures; and
  3. (iii) Made reservations purporting to exclude nuclear weapon from those which may not be used against civilian populations.

Lord Trefgarne

Those who have signed and ratified the 1977 Protocols to the Geneva Convention are listed at Annex A. Those who have acceded to the Protocols are listed at Annex B. We have no record of any reservation which relates to nuclear weapons.

Annex A*
Signatories to the Additional Protocols
(R denotes a country which has ratified)
Australia Liechtenstein
R Austria Luxembourg
R Belgium Madagascar
Bulgaria Mongolia
Byelorussia Morocco
Canada Netherlands
Chile New Zealand
R Cyprus Nicaragua
Czechoslovakia R Niger
R Denmark R Norway
R Ecuador Pakistan
Egypt Peru
R El Salvador Philippines
R Finland Poland
German Democratic Republic Portugal
Germany, Federal Republic San Marino
R Senegal
R Ghana Spain
Greece R Sweden
Guatemala R Switzerland
R Holy See R Togo
Honduras R Tunisia
Hungary Ukraine
Iceland Soviet Union
Iran United Kingdom
Ireland United States
R Italy Upper Volta
Ivory Coast R Vietnam
R Jordan Yemen (North)
R Korea R Yugoslavia
R Laos
Australia Liechtenstein
R Austria Luxembourg
R Belgium Madagascar
Bulgaria Mongolia
Byelorussia Morocco
Canada Netherlands
Chile New Zealand
Czechoslovakia Nicaragua
R Denmark R Niger
R Ecuador R Norway
Egypt Pakistan
R El Salvador Panama
R Finland Peru
German Democratic Republic Poland
Germany, Federal Republic Romania
San Marino
R Ghana R Senegal
Guatemala Spain
R Holy See R Sweden
Honduras R Switzerland
Hungary R Togo
Iceland R Tunisia
Iran Ukraine
Ireland Soviet Union
R Italy United Kingdom
Ivory Coast United States
R Jordan Upper Volta
R Korea Yemen (North)
R Laos R Yugoslavia

*This Annex comprises a factual list of signatories and does not constitute recognition of any particular signatory.

Annex B*
Accessions to the Additional Protocols
Libya UN Council for Namibia
Botswana Cameroon
Mauritania Oman
Gabon Congo
Bahamas Syria
Bangladesh Belize
St. Lucia Guinea
Cuba Central African Republic
Mexico W. Samoa
Mozambique Angola
Tanzania Seychelles
United Arab Emirates Rwanda
Mauritius Vanuatu
Zaire Comoros
St. Vincent & The Grenadines Suriname
China Uruguay
Bolivia Kuwait
Costa Rica
Libya Congo
Botswana Seychelles
Mauritania Kuwait
Gabon Rwanda
Bahamas Belize
Tanzania China
United Arab Emirates Bolivia
Mauritius Guinea
St. Vincent & The Grenadines Central African Republic
Bangladesh Vanuatu
St. Lucia Senegal
Costa Rica Western Samoa
France Comoros
UN Council for Namibia Suriname
Cameroon Uruguay

*This Annex comprises a factual list of accessions and does not constitute recognition of any particular signatory.