§ 36. Mr. McWilliamasked the Secretary of State for the Environment what discussions he has had with the local authority associations on the implementation of the Local Government Act 1985.
§ Mrs. RumboldMy noble Friend the Minister of State met representatives of the AMA on 21 October to discuss the implications of the 1985 Act for staff.
§ 43. Mr. Sumbergasked the Secretary of State for the Environment what discussions have taken place between his Department and representatives of the metropolitan county councils since the Local Government Act received Royal Assent.
§ Mrs. RumboldI refer to the answer I gave today, in reply to a question from the hon. Member for Blaydon (Mr. McWilliam), concerning discussions with the AMA. In addition, my noble Friend the Minister of State has met representatives of the MCC's during visits to most of the metropolitan counties.