HC Deb 29 October 1985 vol 84 cc425-6W
58. Mr. Richard Holt

asked the Paymaster General if he has any plans to review the operation of industrial tribunals with particular regard to the formality of their proceedings; and if he will make a statement.

Careers service estimates of the destinations of school leavers by 31 December following the end of the school year 16 year olds 1982–83
Region (a) Total (b+c) (b) School/FE (c) Labour market (d+e) (d) Employed outside YTS (e) Unemployed/YTS
Numbers '000s 42 14 28 7 21
Per cent. 34 66 24 76
Yorks and Humber
Numbers '000s 79 31 48 17 31
Per cent. 39 61 34 66
North West
Numbers '000s 110 44 66 22 44
Per cent. 40 60 33 67
Numbers '000s 145 59 86 29 57
Per cent. 40 60 33 67
South West
Numbers '000s 63 27 36 16 20
Per cent. 43 57 45 55
South East
Numbers '000s 176 88 88 43 45
Per cent. 50 50 49 51

Mr. Peter Bottomley

The operation of the industrial tribunals is kept under constant review. The Government will continue to look at ways in which industrial tribunal proceedings can be improved without interfering with their judicial independence. In that context I welcome statements made by the judicial authorities themselves discouraging legalism and the excessive quotation of guideline authority in industrial tribunal proceedings.