§ Mr. Tom Coxasked the Secretary of State for Transport what is the policy of his Department as to the introduction of road humps and if he will list his powers to agree to such schemes.
§ Mrs. ChalkerRoad humps are one of a number of measures available to highway authorities for moderating the speed of traffic. Provisions allowing their installation were inserted into the Highways Act 1980 by schedule 10 of the Transport Act 1981. Regulations governing the form and siting of road humps are:
- —The Highways (Road Humps) Regulations 1983 SI 1087
- —The Traffic Signs General (Amendment) Directions 1983 SI 1086
- —The Traffic Signs (Amendment) Regulations 1983 SI 1088.
The Department will shortly be consulting on revised proposals for amendments to these regulations to introduce greater flexibility.