HL Deb 24 October 1985 vol 467 cc1374-5WA
Lord Teviot

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will make a statement on the efficiency scrutiny into the service for the registration of births, deaths and marriages in England and Wales.

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health and Social Security (Baroness Trumpington)

A scrutiny of the Registration Service has been carried out as part of the series which is being organised and co-ordinated by the Government Efficiency Unit. The local authorities, who at present fund a large proportion of the costs of the registration service, asked for such a review. The decision that it should be held was announced in another place by my honourable friend the then Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health on 12th July 1984. (Official Report vol. 63, col. 658).

The report on the efficiency scrutiny is being published today and I am sending it for comments within the next three months to Government departments, local authority associations, proper officers for registration, registration officers, trade unions and others concerned. The report makes 47 recommendations, many of which would require new legislation. The Government are not committed to the recommendations and will consider the comments before making decisions.

Copies of the report are being placed in the Libraries of both Houses.