HC Deb 27 November 1985 vol 87 c595W
Ms. Clare Short

asked the Paymaster General what is the Government's estimate of the impact that the job start scheme will have on wage levels.

Mr. Prescott

asked the Paymaster General what is the Government's estimate of the impact that the job start scheme will have on the numbers of long-term unemployed and on wage levels.

Mr. Alan Clark

The job start scheme will be piloted in a number of different areas from January next year with a view to assessing its effectiveness. Its purpose is to help the long-term unemployed to get back into work. Any indirect effects it may have, for example on wage levels, or numbers of long-term unemployed people, can only be a matter for speculation at this stage.

Mr. Prescott

asked the Paymaster General whether the proposed £20 allowance under the job start scheme will alter in any respect the legal obligations of employers to observe wages council terms and conditions.

Mr. Alan Clark
