HC Deb 22 November 1985 vol 87 cc322-5W
Mr. Skinner

asked the Paymaster General what is the level of (a) male and (b) female unemployment in Derbyshire at the latest available date.

Mr. Alan Clark

The following information is in the Library. On 10 October 1985 the number of unemployed male and female claimants in Derbyshire was 32,867 and 15,925 respectively.

Mr. Skinner

asked the Paymaster General what is the level of unemployment in Derbyshire for 16 to 18-year-olds and 19 to 21-year-olds at the latest available date.

Mr. Alan Clark

The following information is in the Library . On 10 October 1985 the number of unemployed claimants in the county of Derbyshire aged under 19 years and aged 19 to 24 years was 6,139 and 12,055 respectively. Separate figures are not available for those aged 19 to 21.

Mr. Gordon Brown

asked the Paymaster General if he will list the net changes in employment by regional area from December 1982 after making allowance for second jobs.

Mr. Alan Clark

The following table gives the net changes in the civilian employed labour force between December 1982 and June 1985, the latest date for which figures are available, for the areas specified. The civilian employed labour force is the sum of employees in employment and the self-employed. Estimates of the self-employed after June 1984 are provisional.

The second jobs included in the employees in employment estimates are not separately identified, but estimates from the labour force surveys suggest an increase of 60,000 between spring 1983 and spring 1984 (the latest date for which estimates are available) in the number of people with a second job as an employee. The survey sample is not large enough to give reliable estimates on a regional basis.

The employment estimates do not include second jobs when they are held as self-employed.

Net changes in the civilian employed labour force between December 1982 and June 1985
South east 326,000
East Anglia 59,000
South west 83,000
West midlands 28,000
East midlands 12,000
Yorkshire and Humberside 4,000
North west 46,000
North 30,000
Scotland 38,000
Wales 35,000

Mr. Gordon Brown

asked the Paymaster General if he will list the net charrges in service sector employment by regional area from June 1979 to June 1985; and if he will also publish the figures for December 1982.

Mr. Alan Clark

The following table gives the net changes in the numbers of employees in employment in the service industries between June 1979 and June 1985 for the areas specified. The table also gives the estimated numbers of employees in employment in the service industries at December 1982 for the same areas.

Employees in employment in the service industries
Net changes between June 1979 and June 1985 Employees in employment December 1982
South east 199,000 4,995,000
Greater London (included in south east) * 2,645,000
East Anglia 48,000 405,000
South west 32,000 961,000
West midlands 13,000 1,031,000
East midlands 16,000 736,000
Yorkshire and Humberside -5,000 1,022,000
North west 35,000 1,453,000

Net changes between June 1979 and June 1985 Employees in employment December 1982
North -30,000 623,000
Scotland 50,000 1,210,000
Wales 10,000 553,000
* Not available.

Mr. Gordon Brown

asked the Paymaster General if he will publish a table showing the net losses in full-time employment for men and women by each regional area and for Great Britain as a whole from June 1979 to June 1985.

Mr. Alan Clark

The following table gives the net changes in the numbers of male employees in employment and female full-time employees in employment between June 1979 and June 1985, for the areas specified. Estimates of full-time and part-time male employees are not separately available for these dates.

Net changes in employees in employment between June 1979 and June 1985
Males (including part-time) Full-time females
South east -291 -90
East Anglia -20 +1
South west -64 -74
West midlands -225 -80
East midlands -126 -37
Yorkshire and Humberside -202 -80
North -178 -53
North west -266 -96
Scotland -169 -73
Wales -118 -28
Great Britain -1,658 -610

Mr. Sean Hughes

asked the Paymaster General what is the number of men, women and young people, respectively, who have been unemployed for more than a year, two years, three years and four years, respectively, in Knowsley, South.

Mr. Alan Clark

The following information is in the Library. The table shows the requested information in respect of unemployed claimants as at 10 October 1985.

Duration of unemployment
Over one year Over two years Over three years Over four years
Knowsley South parliamentary constituency
Male 4,226 3,046 2,255 1,571
Female 1,158 640 402 248
Aged under 18 years 82 0 0 0

Mr. Sean Hughes

asked the Paymaster General what is the number of job vacancies in Knowsley, South.

Mr. Alan Clark

The following information is in the Library. On 4 October 1985 there were 118 unfilled vacancies in the area covered by the Huyton and Prescot jobcentres, which closely corresponds to the knowsley, South parliamentary constituency.

Mr. Sean Hughes

asked the Paymaster General what is the number unemployed and the job vacancies in each occupation in Knowsley, South.

Mr. Alan Clark

The following information is in the Library. On 10 October 1985, the number of unemployed claimants in the parliamentary constituency of Knowsley, South was 10,396.

The number of unfilled vacancies in the main occupational groups at 6 September 1985 is given in the following table for the Huyton and Prescot jobcentres, which closely corresponds to the Knowsley, South parliamentary constituency. More detailed occupational analyses of vacancies are available in the Library.

Unfilled vacancies at September 1985
Huyton and Prescot jobcentres
Managerial and professional 20
Clerical and related 34
Other Non-manual occupations 26
Craft and similar occupations 19
General labourers 0
Other manual occupations 36
Total 135

Mr. Sean Hughes

asked the Paymaster Gerneral how many jobs have been lost from 1979 to date in Knowsley, South.

Mr. Alan Clark

Information about job losses is not available from the Department's statistics. Net changes in employment can be given but, for areas smaller than regions, only for those dates when censuses of employment are taken.

The latest available information is from the June 1978 and the following September 1981 census of employment. In that period the number of employees employed in the area covered by the jobcentre areas of Huyton, Garston, Prescot and Widnes, which corresponds most closely to the constituency of Knowsley, South, fell by 17,600. However, the boundary of the Garston jobcentre area changed between 1978 and 1981 decreasing the size of the area. Otherwise the fall in the level of employment would have been approximately 7,600 fewer.