HC Deb 14 November 1985 vol 86 c239W
Mr. Irving

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department at what stage voluntary organisations will be consulted concerning the conclusions of the review of the aftercare hostel grant scheme; and whether this will be before final decisions are taken on the future hostel provision.

Mr. Mellor

The fact-finding review of the aftercare hostel grant scheme has now been completed. In the light of its conclusions we have asked officials to conduct a comprehensive study of the case for devolving to the probation service the responsibility for administering and financing the present schemes of probation and bail hostels and of grant-aiding voluntary aftercare projects, and the means whereby this might be achieved. The study will involve the widest possible consultation with all those concerned, including the voluntary organisations, and it is hoped to start it shortly. No decisions will be taken on the long-term funding of hostel provision until the outcome of the study is known.