HC Deb 13 November 1985 vol 86 cc205-6W
Mr. Alfred Morris

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he is satisfied with the quality, reliability, variety and speed of repair of limbs supplied to his Department's artificial limb and appliance service; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Newton

These issues are among those which have been examined by the McColl working party on the artificial limb and appliance centres. As I have indicated in answer to other questions by the right hon. Member today, we expect to publish its report, with the Government's preliminary response, before Christmas.

Mr. Alfred Morris

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how his Department's spending on artificial limbs and appliances compares, per thousand of the population, with that of other member states of the European Economic Community: and if any recent study has been made of comparative provision.

Mr. Newton

In 1984–85 expenditure on services provided through artificial limb and appliance centres in England, exclusive of staff costs and overheads, totalled some £64 million or approximately £1,360 per thosand of the population. Comparable figures are not available for other member states of the European Community. I am unaware of any detailed study of comparative provision in these countries, but the working party which has just completed a report on the services looked at provision in Denmark and the Federal Republic of Germany.

Mr. Alfred Morris

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) if, since the report of the team appointed to review the artificial limb and appliance service, was received by his Department, there has been any discussion between the Minister with special responsiblilty for the disabled and Professor Ian McColl about whether the service should be transferred to the National Health Service;

(2) when his Department received the report of the team appointed to review the artificial limb and appliance service; if any Minister in his Department saw and commented upon any part of the report before it was formally presented; if the document will be published in full in the form in which it was presented; and when it will be published;

Mr. Carter-Jones

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) if he will put a copy of the McColl committee report on limbs and appliances in the Library forthwith; if he will give the date when he received the final draft of the report; if he will give the reasons for the delay in publication; and if he will make a statement;

(2) if he will supply copies of the McColl report to those individuals and organisations who gave oral or written evidence to the committee; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Newton

The working party on the services recived by patients in artificial limb and appliance centres in England discussed its draft report briefly awith me in August. Its final report was received on 14 October. Arrangements are being made for it to be printed and I expect to publish it in full with the Government's preliminary response before Christmas. No decisions will be taken before there has been an opportunity for public comment, and consultation with those concerned.