§ Mr. Austin Mitchellasked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what arrangements have been made for extending price support and other aid to Spanish and Portuguese producers of olive oil, wine and oranges after accession; what is the total production in these countries compared to the European Economic Community as at present constituted; and how farmgate prices for these products in Spain and Portugal compare with European Economic Community prices.
§ Mr. MacGregorCommunity price support and aid measures will be applied to Spanish and Portuguese 347W producers of the products mentioned over a transition period lasting for up to 10 years. Prices of these products vary depending upon a number of factors, including variety, quality and area of production. Generally they are lower in Spain and Portugal than in the present Community.
Information on production is as follows:
EC(10) Spain Portugal Olive Oil (thousand tonnes) Usuable production* 1980–81 980 1981 323 29 1981–82 862 1982 726 91 1982–83 782 1983 268 20 1983–84 1,002 — — Oranges (thousand tonnes) Harvested production 1981 2,479 1981 1,469 78 1982 2,217 1982 1,687 100 1983 2,727 1983 1,895 80 Wine (million hectolitres) † Usable production 1980–81 164 1981 34 9 1981–82 140 1982 37 10 1982–83 172 1983 32 8 1983–84 168 — —
Committee Chairman Date appointed Date reported Public Inquiry into objections to the Proposed Britain Egg Marketing Scheme G. G. Baker 9 January 1956 1956 (Cmnd. 9805) Committee of Enquiry in the Export of Live Cattle to the Continent for Slaughter Rt. Hon. Lord Balfour of Burleigh 6 February 1957 1957 (Cmnd. 154) Interdepartmental Committee on Milk Composition in United Kingdom J. W. Cook May 1958 1960 (Cmnd. 1147) Committee on Transactions in Seeds Plant Breeders Rights B. C. Engholm July 1954 1960 (Cmnd. 1092) Committee on the Proposed Experimental Importation of Charollais Lord Terrington June 1959 1960 (Cmnd. 1140) Cattle Committee of Inquiry in the Fishing Industry Sir Alexander Fleck 27 November 1957 1961 (Cmnd. 1266) Committee on Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries The Hon. B. L. Bathurst 7 October 1957 1961 (Cmnd. 1350) (Viscount Bledisloe) Committee on Fowl Pest Policy Professor Sir A. Plant July 1960 1962 (Cmnd. 1664) Committee on the Remuneration of Milk Distributors in the United Kingdom Sir Guy Tharold November 1959 1962 (Cmnd. 1597) Committee of Inquiry in Fatstock and Carcase Meat Marketing and Distribution Sir W. R. Verdon-Smith 18 April 1962 1964 (Cmnd. 2282) Departmental Committee of Inquiry into Recruitment for the Veterinary Profession The Duke of Northumberland 29 October 1962 1964 (Cmnd. 2430) Interdepartmental Committee on The Demand for Agricultural Graduates C. I. C. Bosanquet November 1962 1964 (Cmnd. 2419) Departmental Committee of Inquiry into Statutory Smallholdings. 1st Report Statutory Smallholdings provided by Local Authorities in England and Wales M. J. Wise 22 July 1963 1966 (Cmnd. 2936) Departmental Committee of Inquiry into Statutory Smallholdings. Final Report Statutory Smallholdings provided by the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Professor M. J. Wise 22 July 1963 1967 (Cmnd. 3303) Committee on Herbage Seed Supplies Lord Donaldson November 1966 1968 (Cmnd. 3748) Report of the Reorganisation Commission for Eggs R. Wright 8 September 1967 1968 (Cmnd. 3669) Committee of Inquiry on Foot and Mouth Disease 1968—Part 1 The Duke of Northumberland 28 February 1968 1969 (Cmnd. 3999) Part 2 (Cmnd. 4225) Joint Committee on the use of Antibiotics in Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine Professor Swann July 1968 1969 (Cmnd. 4190) Committee of Inquiry on Rabies Interim Report R. Waterhouse 6 March 1970 1970 (Cmnd. 4457) Committee of Inquiry on Rabies Final Report R. Waterhouse 6 April 1970 1971 (Cmnd. 4696) Committee of Inquiry on Contract Farming Sir James Barker June 1971 1972 (Cmnd. 5099) Committee on the Export of Animals for Slaughter Rt. Hon. Lord O'Brien of Lothbury 26 July 1973 1974 (Cmnd. 5566) Committee of Inquiry into the Veterinary Profession Sir Michael Swann 1971 1975 (Cmnd. 6143) Committee of Inquiry into the Acquisition and Occupancy of Agricultural Land Rt. Hon. Lord Northfield 16 September 1977 1979 (Cmnd. 7599) *Olive oil is a biennial crop, with considerable fluctuations from one year to the next.
† Wine production figures in the FAO production year book are quoted in metric tonnes. They have been converted to hectolitres on the basis that 10 hectolitres of wine weigh one tonne.
European Community statistics: "Eurostat" and the Commission.
Spain and Portugal: FAO Production Year Book 1983.