§ Mr. Ashdownasked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will list in the Official Report all the different types of licences operated or granted by his Department and the year in which they first came into operation.
§ Mr. BrittanThe information requested is as follows:
Type of licence Year in which licence came into operation To undertake a house to house collection 1939 To remove (exhumane) human remains 1857 To conduct scientific experiments on living animals 1876 To kill or take seals 1970 To import or export a controlled drug 1973 To produce, supply or possess a controlled drug 1973 To administer or supply heroin, cocaine or dipipanone* to drug addicts †1973 Shotgun certificate 1968 Authority to hold weapons capable of discharging noxious liquids or gases 1920 Authority to hold continuous fire weapons (such as machine guns) 1937 Licence issued under s. 60 of the Criminal Justice Act 1967 to persons serving sentences of imprisonment other than imprisonment for life 1968 Licence issued under s. 60 of the Criminal Justice Act 1967 to persons detained otherwise than for life under s.53 of the Children and Young Persons Act 1933 (young offenders convicted of grave crime) 1968
Type of licence Year in which licence came into operation Licence under s.60 of the Criminal Justice Act 1967 to young offenders serving sentences of youth custody under s. 1 of the Criminal Justice Act 1982 1983 Licence under s.61 of the Criminal Justice Act 1967 to persons sentenced to life imprisonment, detention during Her Majesty's Pleasure, and detention or custody for life ‡1968 Broadcasting licences: Licence to broadcasting authorities 1923 Induction field licence 1970 Community television relay licence 1981 Special event licence 1984 Broadcast receiving licences: Television Licence (Monochrome) 1946 General Form Television Licence (including colour) 1968 General Form Television Licence (including colour) 1968 Television Licence (Monochrome) 1957 Multiple Form Television Licence (including colour) 1968 Demonstration General Form Television Licence (including colour) 1968 Demonstration Multiple Form Television Licence (including colour) Accommodation for Residential Care Composite Form 1984 Television Receiving Licence Hotels Comprehesive Form 1985 * 1984† under current legislation; similar licences operated under earlier legislation. ‡ Similar provisions in existence since 1957.