HL Deb 16 May 1985 vol 463 c1334WA
Lord Melchett

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Why they stated that they had "received no letters or other inquiries from the European Commission" about their decision to approve peat stripping from Duich Moss (Islay) (Official Report, 28th March 1985, col. 1140) in view of the statement by the Director-General for the Environment of the Commission of the European Communities that the Commission received a complaint about this in 1984 and that they have "since then, at two times, requested further information from the British Government as to the alleged facts".

Lord Gray of Contin

As I have already written to inform the noble Lord, at the time when I answered his earlier Question the Scottish Office had received no approach from the European Commission about the decision to grant planning permission for peat stripping from Duich Moss. Inquiries had been made of other departments which might have been approached on this matter but, unfortunately, they did not reveal that a letter had by that time been received from the Commission by the Department of the Environment. The principal responsibility for dealing with the Commission's letter rests with that department since it deals with the Commission Directive on the Conservation of Wild Birds. I understand that a response will be sent to the Commission in the near future. I have asked that a copy should be sent to the noble Lord.