HC Deb 27 March 1985 vol 76 c256W
Mr. Ashley

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services on how many occasions during 1984 his Department has (a) investigated infringements of the Medicines Act, (b) warned companies that the Act was being infringed and requested remedial action and (c) prosecuted companies for infringement of the Act; and why publicity is not given to such investigations.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke

[pursuant to his reply, 26 March 1985]: During 1984 our Department investigated 234 alleged infringements of the Medicines Act. In154 cases we took the view that a breach of the Act had occurred. This view was conveyed to all the individuals or companies concerned and remedial action requested in each case. No prosecutions resulted from these investigations in 1984; there has been one, so far, in 1985.

Except where a court detemines otherwise these cases are allegations of breaches of the Act only notwithstanding that they may be supported by the opinion of our Department. We cannot publicise these cases but we do ensure that, in addition to any publicity in the press, the results of prosecutions are publicised to licence holders.