HC Deb 27 March 1985 vol 76 c263W
Mr. Corrie

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he has any changes to announce in the cash limits for 1985–86 within his responsibility.

Mr. Younger

Yes. Further to my announcement of 7 March, at columns 1177–87, concerning the increase in domestic rate relief, the following table gives details of the revisions required to cash limits for 1985–86. The balance of provision has been raised by adjustment to the cash limit for Class XV, Vote 2 (by £0.5 million) and cash block SO/LA2 (by £ 10.5 million) prior to the amouncement of 1985–86 provision made on 19 March, at columns 446–67, and by extra savings arising from the operation of the grant penalty tariffs for local authorities in 1985–86. I expect the cash limit reductions to be offset by carry forward to 1985–86 of capital underspending in the current year, although this cannot be confirmed or announced until outturn figures are available later in the year.

Vote Original cash limit Reduction Revised cash limit
£000 £000 £000
XV, 3 Regional and general industrial support, Scotland 138,002 5,200 132,802
XV, 6 Roads, Transport and environmental services, Scotland 152,267 4,800 147,467
XV, 14 Prisons, hospitals and community health services, etc., Scotland 1,521,717 5,000 1,516,717

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