HC Deb 18 July 1985 vol 83 cc243-6W
Dr. Cunningham

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment when his Department received from the European Commission the report entitled, "Apercu des zones de grant interet pour la conservation des oiseaux sauvages"; and if he will (a) place a copy in the Library and (b) list in the Official Report those sites contained in the report which relate to the United Kingdom.

Mr. Patrick Jenkin

My Department has not received this report, but the Nature Conservancy Council received a copy in November 1984. The report is a European Commission working document and is not intended for publication. The hon. Member may however find it helpful to know that the Nature Conservancy Council has identified the following sites which in its opinion meet the criteria for listing under the EC birds directive and/or designation under the Ramsar convention:


  • Lindisfarne, Northumberland—Designated as Ramsar site
  • Farne Islands, Northumberland—Designated as a Special Protection Area
  • Coquet Island, Northumberland—SPA
  • Holburn Moss, Northumberland—Ramsar + SPA
  • Irthinghead Mires, Northumberland and Cumbria
  • Teesmouth Flats and Marshes, Durham
  • Upper Teesdale, Durham and North Yorkshire
  • Malham Tam, North Yorkshire
  • Derwent Ings, Wheldrake to Budwith, North Yorkshire and Humberside—Ramsar + SPA
  • Bampton Cliffs, Humberside
  • Humber Flats and Marshes, Humberside
  • Tetney Marshes, Lincolnshire
  • The Wash, Lincolnshire and Norfolk
  • Nene Washes, Cambridgeshire
  • Ouse Washes, Cambridgeshire and Norfolk—Ramsar
  • North Norfolk coast, inc. Scott Head, Holkam, Blakeney Point, Clay and Salthouse Marshes, Norfolk—Ramsar
  • Roydon Common, Norfolk
  • Searning Fen, Norfolk
  • Surlingham Marshes, Wheatfen and Rockland Broads, Norfolk
  • Bure Marshes, Norfolk—Ramsar
  • Hickling Broad and Horsey Mere, Norfolk—Ramsar
  • Redgrave—South Lopham Fen, Norfolk and Suffolk
  • Minsmere—Walberswick, Suffolk—Ramsar
  • Havergate Island and Orfordness, Suffolk—SPA
  • Stour and Orwell Estuary, Suffolk
  • Hamford Water, Essex
  • Abberton Reservior, Essex—Ramsar
  • Blackwater Flats and Estuary inc. Colne and Dengie Flats, Essex
  • Foulness and Maplin Sands, Essex
  • Leigh Marsh, Essex
  • The Swale and South Sheppey, Kent—SPA + Ramsar
  • South Thames Marshes, High Halstow, Kent
  • Medway Estuary and Marshes, Kent
  • Pagham Harbour, West Sussex
  • Chichester and Langstone Harbours, West Sussex and Hampshire
  • North Solent Marshes, Hampshire
  • New Forest Valley Mires, Hampshire
  • Christchurch Harbour, Hampshire
  • Upper Solway Flats and Marshes, Rockcliffe and Burgh Marshes, Cumbria
  • Mallerstang-Swale Dale Head, Cumbria
  • Duddon Sands and Millom, Cumbria
  • Walney and Fauley Islands, Cumbria
  • Estwaite Water, Cumbria
  • Irthinghead Mires, Cumbria and Northumberland—Ramsar
  • Moor House, Cumbria—SPA+ Ramsar
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  • Morecambe Bay, Inc Wyre, Lune and Cockerham, Cumbria and Lancashire
  • Leighton Moss, Lancashire
  • Ribble Estuary, Lancashire—SPA+Ramsar
  • Martin Mere, Lancashire
  • Alt Estuary, Merseyside
  • Mersey Estuary, Merseyside
  • Dee Estuary, Clwyd, Cheshire and Merseyside—SPA + Ramsar
  • Kinder—Bleaklow, Derbyshire and S Yorks
  • Rostheme Mere, Cheshire—Ramsar
  • New Grounds, Slimbridge, Gloucestershire
  • Severn Estuary, Gloucestershire, Avon, Somerset, Gwent and S Glamorgan
  • Bridgewater Bay, Inc Fenningand and Stert Islands, Somerset—Ramsar
  • The Somerset Levels, Somerset
  • Chew Valley Lake, Somerset—SPA
  • Taw and Torridge Estuary, Devon
  • Isles of Scilly coastal habitats
  • Slapton Lea, Devon
  • Exe Estuary, Devon
  • Chesil Beach and the Fleet, Dorset—Ramsar +SPA
  • Horton Common and Holt Heath, Dorset
  • Poole Harbour and adjacent heaths, Dorset inc:
    1. (a) Codlinston Heath
    2. (b) Studland Heath
    3. (c) Stoborough and Creech Heaths
    4. (d) Grange Povington and Coombe Heaths (Heath Range), Lulworth
    5. (e) Hartland Moor
    6. (f) Decoy Heath, South Wareham
    7. (g) Arne Peninsula
  • Chamberlayne's Heath and Rimsmoor, Dorset


  • Hermaness, Unst, Shetland
  • Gruncy, Shetland
  • North Fetlar, Shetland
  • North Roe, Mainland, Shetland
  • Papa Stour, Shetland
  • Foula, Shetland
  • Bressay, Shetland
  • Noss, Shetland
  • Fair Isle, Shetland
  • West Westray, Orkney
  • Papa Westray and North Hill, Orkney
  • Marwick Head, Orkney
  • Lochs of Harray, Stenness and Skall, Orkney
  • North Hoy, Orkney
  • Copinsay, Orkney
  • Swona, Orkney
  • Pentland Skerries, Orkney
  • Sule Skerry and Stack, Orkney
  • Moray Firth (Eastern part) inc Findhorn Bay, Culbin Sands and Nairn Bar, Grampian
  • Loch Spynie, Grampian
  • Loch of Strathbeg, Grampian
  • Ythan Estuary and Sands of Forvle, inc Meikle and Slaine Lochs, Grampian
  • Lock Insh and Marshes, Highland
  • Cairngorms, Highland and Grampian
  • Cairngorm Lochs: Loch Einich, Loch Coire, Loch Avon and Loch Etchachan, Grampian—Ramsar
  • Loch of Skene, Grampian
  • Fowlsheugh Cliffs, Grampian
  • Lochnagar, Grampian
  • Caenlochan, Grampian and Tayside
  • Drumochter Hills, Highland
  • Rannoch Moor, Highland, Strathclyde and Tayside—Ramsar
  • Montrose Basin, Tayside
  • Forfar Lochs, Lochs Forfar, Rescobie and Balgavies, Tayside Loch of Kinnordy, Tayside
  • Loch of Lintrathen, Tayside—Ramsar
  • Tay Isle Valley inc Monk Myre, Marlee Loch, Stormont Loch., Meikelour and Loch of Clunie, Tayside
  • Dupplin Lochs, Tayside
  • Drummond Pond and Penny Beg Pong, Tayside
  • Carsebrook and Rhynd Lochs, Tayside
  • Loch Leven, Tayside—Ramsar
  • Firth of Tay, Tayside
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  • Tontsmuir Point and Abertay Sands, Fife
  • Eden Estuary, Fife
  • Cameron Reservoir, Fife
  • Firth of Forth and Aberlady Bay, Central
  • Central Lothian and Fife
  • Forth Islands: Inchmickery, Fidra, The Lamb, Eyebroughty and Craighleith, Lothian and Fife
  • Loch Mahaick, Central
  • Flanders Moss, Central
  • Endrick Mouth, Loch Lomond, Central
  • Loch Lomond, Central and Strathclyde—Ramsar
  • Brass Rock, Lothian
  • Gladhouse Reservoir, Lothian
  • Fala Flow, Lothian
  • Westwater and Baddingsgill Reservoirs, Borders
  • Moorfoot Hills, Ettrick, Lauderdale and Tweeddale, Borders
  • St. Abb's Head to Fast Castle, Borders
  • Greenlaw Moor and Hule Moss
  • Hoselaw Loch, Borders
  • North Rona and Sula Sgeir, Western Isles
  • Flannan Isles, Western Isles
  • St. Kilda, Western Isles
  • Shiant Islands, Western Isles
  • Islands in the Sound of Harris, Western Isles
  • Loch An Duin, North Uist, Western Isles
  • Monarch Islands, Western Isles
  • Loch Druidibeg, A'Machair, South Uist
  • Western Isles—designated as a SPA and Ramsar Site
  • Howmore Estuary, (Loch Roag and Loch Fada), Western Isles
  • Lochs Hallan and Kilphedder, South Uist
  • Western Isles
  • Islands in the Sound of Barra, Western Isles
  • Berneray and Mingulay, Western Isles
  • Stroma, Highland
  • Dunnett Head, Easter Head to Chapel Hill, Highland
  • Blar Nam Faolleag, Highland
  • Strathy Bogs, Highland
  • Caithness Lochs, inc: Calder, Brubster, Heilen and Meadle, Highland
  • Caithness Cliffs, Duncansby Head to Skirza Head, Highland
  • Caithness Cliffs, Wick to Lybster, Highland
  • Caithness Cliffs, Dumbeath to Ord Point, inc Berriedale, Inver Hill and Badbea Cliffs, Highland
  • Isles at the Mouth of Kyle and Tongue inc
  • Rabbit Islands, Highland
  • Durness Lochs and Streams (Lochs Croispol, Ianlish and Borralie), Highland
  • Cape Wrath, Aodann Mhor, Highland
  • Handa, Highland
  • Inchhadamph, Highland
  • The Summer Isles, inc Priest Island, Highland
  • Loch Fleet, Highland
  • Lower Dornoch Firth, Highland
  • Loch Eye, Highland
  • Isay, Skye, Highland
  • Cromarty Firth, Highland
  • Beauly Firth, Highland
  • Moray Firth (Western Part) Highland and Grampian
  • Rhum, Highland—designated as SPA+Ramsar site
  • Loch Morar, Highland
  • Loch Shiel and Kentra Moss, Highland
  • Claish Moss, Highland—Ramsar
  • Monadhliath, Highland
  • Tiree and Coll, Strathclyde
  • Treshnish Isles, Strathclyde
  • Islay, especially Lochs Gruinart and Indaai, Strathclyde
  • Inner Clyde, Dumbuck Foreshore, Pillar Bank, Strathclyde
  • Rhunahaorine, Strathclyde
  • Machrihanish and Tangy Loch, Strathclyde
  • Ailsa Craig, Strathclyde
  • Lochylock and Cleuch Reservoirs, Strathclyde
  • Loch Ken and Dee Marshes, Dumfries and Galloway
  • White Loch, (Lochinsh), Dumfries and Galloway
  • Silver Flowe, Dumfries and Galloway—Ramsar
  • Upper Solway Flats and Marshes, (North side), inc Blackshaw Bank, Nith Merses and Caerlaverock to Southerness Point, Dumfries and Galloway
  • Wales
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  • Ynys Feirig, Rhosneigr, Anglesey
  • Traeth Lafan, (Lavan Sands), Conwy Bay
  • Gwynedd
  • Llyn Idwal, Gwynedd
  • Llyn Tegid, Gwynedd
  • Cors Fochno and Dyfi, Dyfed, Gwynedd and Powys—Ramsar
  • Llangorse Lake, Powys
  • Skomer, Dyfed—designated as SPA
  • Grassholm, Dyfed
  • Skokholm, Dyfed
  • Bosherston Lake, Dyfed
  • "Three Rivers", Taff, Tywl and Gwendraeth
  • Estuaries, Dyfed
  • Burry Inlet, Dyfed and West Glamorgan

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