HC Deb 16 July 1985 vol 83 cc117-8W
38. Mrs. Clwyd

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what progress has been made in drawing up proposals for improving screening techniques for cervical and breast cancer.

54. Mrs. McCurley

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will make a statement on the progress of his consideration of the possible extension of mammography in the National Health Service.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke

On cervical cancer I refer the hon. Member and my hon. Friend to my reply on 29 April, at columns49–51, to my hon. Friend the Member for Staffordshire, Moorlands (Mr. Knox). Since then consultations have begun with representatives of the medical profession on practical steps to improve the effectiveness of follow-up arrangements for abnormal results. I will also be meeting representatives of the British Society for Clinical Cytology in the near future to discuss the problems being experienced in some of the laboratories which process smears.

As I informed the House on 2 July, we have set up an expert working party on breast cancer screening. Its terms of reference are:

  1. i. to consider the information now available on breast cancer screening by mammography; the extent to which this suggests necessary changes in United Kingdom policy on the provision of mammographic facilities and the screening of symptomless women; and
  2. ii. to suggest a range of policy options and assess the benefits and costs associated with them; and set out the service planning, manpower, financial and other implications of implementing such options.

Its membership is:

  • Professor A. P.M. Forrest (Chairman) Regius Professor of Clinical Surgery at the University of Edinburgh;
  • Dr. J. Chamberlain, Institute of Cancer Research;
  • Mr. A. Elton, Northwick Park Hospital;
  • Dr. H. Gravell, Welsh National School of Medicine, Cardiff;
  • Dr. D. Hayes, Belfast City Hospital;
  • Professor C. Joslin, University of Leeds;
  • Ms. A. Ludbrook, Health Economics Research Unit, Aberdeen University.

In addition, the following have agreed to be co-opted to assist the chairman as and when their expertise is required.

  • Mrs. J. Andrews, (Radiographer)
  • Mr. M. Fitzgerald, (Physicist)
  • Mr. K. Ford, (District Treasurer)
  • Dr. D. J. Pereira Gray, (General Medical Practitioner)
  • Miss. P. Hibbs, (Nursing Officer)
  • Mr. R. Taylor, (District General Manager)
  • Dr. B. Thomas, (Mammography screener)
  • Dr. R. Wrighton, (District Medical Officer)

I have asked the Chairman to report as soon as possible.

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