HC Deb 01 July 1985 vol 82 cc42-3W
Mr. Gould

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what external financing limits were set for nationalised industries in 1982–83, 1983–84 and 1984–85; and how these limits compare with the outturn in each case.

Mr. Peter Rees

Available information is set out in the following table.

Provisional outturn figures for 1984–85 will be published shortly in the 1984–85 cash limits White Paper.

¶ as in 1984 public expenditure White Paper (Cmnd. 9143), table 3.5.

● as revised during year to take account of abolition of national insurance surcharge and other changes.

▀ 1982–83 outturn figures for BNOC take account of the disposal of its former exploration and production activities in November 1982.

⋆ Aggregate EFLs for 1984–85 published in Cmnd. 9143 made the same assumptions about Enterprise Oil, British Telecom and British Airways as did the 1983 Autumn Statement but did not give individual EFLs for those industries. The 1984–85 EFLs quoted in the table are as set out in the 1983 Autumn Statement.

# BTDB was privatised in February 1983. Outturn shown to that point.

Mr. Gould

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what organisations are recognised as nationalised industries for the purposes of the application of external financing limits in 1985–86.

Mr. Peter Rees

Nationalised industries and their external financing limits (EFLs) for 1985–86 are set out in table 5.5 of the 1985 public expenditure White Paper (Cmnd. 9428), except British Airways, for which no EFL was announced in view of impending privatisation.