§ Mr. Dobsonasked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will publish a list of family practitioner committees and the district health authorities to which they each relate.
§ Mr. Kenneth Clarke[pursuant to his reply, 17 January 1985, c. 225]: The existing 90 family practitioner committees in England and the district health authority or authorities which established or adopted them are set out in the table. The list does not include details of the agency arrangements which are currently operated by certain FPCs and DHAs.
On 1 April 1985 the 90 FPCs will be replaced by an equal number, established to act for specified localities. An order, establishing 75 of the new English FPCs and specifying their localities, was laid before Parliament on 2 January. The remaining 15 will be the subject of a further order to be made shortly.
FPC DHA(s) Avon Bristol and Weston Frenchlay Southmead
1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Northumbria Ambulance Service — — 561 562 570 [Source: Annual Census of NHS Non-medical Manpower]
We do not collect information centrally on the numbers of ambulances and ambulance stations. The following table is derived from statistics compiled by York district health authority. The figures for 1983–84 are not yet available.
table. In general, figures on waiting lists are believed to include a significant proportion of duplicated entries and patients who no longer require treatment. The amount of overstatement cannot readily be estimated, but is thought to exceed 10 per cent. nationally and could be considerably more. About half of all admissions to hospital are immediate, and many of those on waiting lists already have a planned date of admission.
Number of persons on NHS in-patient waiting list on 31 March
FPC DHA(s) Barking, Havering and Brentwood Barking, Havering and Brentwood Barnet Barnet Barnsley Barnsley Bedfordshire North Bedfordshire South Bedfordshire Berkshire East Berkshire West Berkshire Birmingham Central Birmingham East Birmingham North Birmingham South Birmingham West Birmingham Bolton Bolton Bradford Bradford Airedale Brent and Harrow Brent Harrow Bromley Bromley 472W
FPC DHA(s) Buckinghamshire Aylesbury Vale Milton Keynes Wycombe Bury Bury Calderdale Calderdale Cambridgeshire Cambridge Huntingdon Peterborough Camden and Islington Hampstead Bloomsbury Islington Cheshire Chester Crewe Halton Macclesfield Warrington City and East London City and Hackney Newham Tower Hamlets Cleveland Hartlepool North Tees South Tees Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Coventry Coventry Croydon Croydon Cumbria East Cumbria South Cumbria West Cumbria Derbyshire North Derbyshire Southern Derbyshire Devon Exeter North Devon Plymouth Torbay Doncaster Doncaster Dorset West Dorset East Dorset Dudley Dudley Durham Darlington Durham North West Durham South West Durham Ealing, Hammersmith and Hounslow Hounslow and Spelthorne Ealing Hammersmith and Fulham East Sussex Brighton Eastbourne Hastings Enfield and Haringey Enfield Haringey Essex Basildon and Thurrock Mid Essex North East Essex West Essex Southend 473W
FPC DHA(s) Gateshead Gateshead Gloucestershire Cheltenham and District Gloucester Greenwich and Bexley Bexley Greenwich Hampshire Basingstoke and North Hampshire Portsmouth and South East Hampshire Southampton and South West Hampshire Winchester Hereford and Worcester Bromsgrove and Redditch Herefordshire Kidderminster and District Worcester and District Hertfordshire East Hertfordshire North Hertfordshire North West Hertfordshire South West Hertfordshire Hillingdon Hillingdon Humberside East Yorkshire Hull Grimsby Scunthorpe Isle of Wight Isle of Wight Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster Paddington and North Kensington Victoria Kent Canterbury and Thanet Dartford and Gravesham Maidstone Medway South East Kent Tunbridge Wells Kingston and Richmond Richmond, Twickenham and Roehampton Kingston and Esher Kirklees Huddersfield Dewsbury Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham Camberwell Lewisham and North Southwark West Lambeth Lancashire Blackburn, Hyndburn and Ribble Valley Blackpool, Wyre and Fylde Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale Lancaster West Lancashire Chorley and South Ribble Preston Leeds Leeds Eastern Leeds Western Leicestershire Leicestershire Lincolnshire North Lincolnshire South Lincolnshire Liverpool Liverpool 474W
FPC DHA(s) Manchester Central Manchester North Manchester South Manchester Merton, Sutton and Wandsworth Merton and Sutton Wandsworth Newcastle Newcastle Norfolk West Norfolk and Wisbech Norwich Great Yarmouth and Waveney Northamptonshire Kettering Northampton North Tyneside North Tyneside Northumberland Northumberland North Yorkshire Northallerton York Scarborough Harrogate Nottinghamshire Bassetlaw Central Nottinghamshire Nottingham Oldham Oldham Oxfordshire Oxfordshire Redbridge and Waltham Forest Redbridge Waltham Forest Rochdale Rochdale Rotherham Rotherham St. Helens and Knowsley St. Helens and Knowsley Salford Salford Sandwell Sandwell Sefton Southport and Formby South Sefton Sheffield Sheffield Shropshire Shropshire
FPC DHA(s) Solihull Solihull Somerset Somerset South Tyneside South Tyneside Staffordshire Mid Staffordshire North Staffordshire South East Staffordshire Stockport Stockport Suffolk West Suffolk East Suffolk Sunderland Sunderland Surrey North West Surrey Mid Surrey West Surrey and North East Hampshire South West Surrey East Surrey Tameside and Glossop Tameside and Glossop Trafford Trafford Wakefield Pontefract Wakefield Walsall Walsall Warwickshire North Warwickshire Rugby South Warwickshire West Sussex Chichester Mid Downs Worthing District Wigan Wigan Wiltshire Bath District Salisbury Swindon Wirral Wirral Wolverhampton Wolverhampton