HC Deb 14 February 1985 vol 73 cc276-7W
Mr. Michael Morris

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services whether every product in the proposed limited list will appear in the drug tariff.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke


Mr. Michael Morris

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services, in the light of limited list proposals, whether he has any intention to make changes to the dental practitioners' formulary list.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke

Consultations are still taking place on the limited list proposals. Subject to the outcome of these consultations, some amendment may be required to the Secretary of State's list for dental prescribing which is appended to the Dental Practitioners' Formulary.

Mr. Michael Morris

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services whether in the light of all the considered representations he has received, he will now consider a mechanism similar to that appertaining for hospital formularies whereby a doctor can prescribe a product not on the limited list where in his judgment it is imperative for the patient.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke

We are considering the arguments which have been put forward for such a mechanism.

Sir Dudley Smith

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what contact he or any other Minister or official of his Department had with Health Action International and Social Audit in formulating his proposals for the limited list of prescription medicines.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke


Mr. Grylls

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services why letters to his Department complaining about limited list prescribing proposals have been answered by standard responses, with only minor variations in opening and closing paragraphs, which do not cover the issues raised by individual writers; when the standard response letter was composed; why his Department has continued to use the same basic text for at least six weeks; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke

We have received nearly 7,000 letters about the limited list proposals announced on 8 November. In order to answer these letters as promptly as possible, we prepared standard replies covering the main points at issue. We are endeavouring to adapt these replies as necessary to answer any particular points raised and to use them only when they are appropriate. However we do not have sufficient Ministers and senior officials concerned with this policy to engage in a detailed correspondence with every correspondent and I regret that some apparent discourtesy is unavoidable.

All the letters we receive are being read with care and the points being made are being noted by Ministers and the Chief Medical Officer. The basic text of our letter will change when we make our final decision in the light of all the representations we have received.

Sir David Price

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services when he expects to be able to publish the final version of the restricted list of drugs to be made available on the National Health Service from 1 April; and how it differs from the provisional list.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke

We intend to make a comprehensive announcement shortly.