HC Deb 14 February 1985 vol 73 cc257-8W
29. Dr. Michael Clark

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what progress has been made in the implementation of the new European Economic Community dairy quotas; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Jopling

Most member states have now made the necessary arrangements to implement the supplementary levy system. However, the Commission has initiated infringement proceedings against Italy for its failure to make the required implementing arrangements. Various problems remain with the application of the measures and the Commission has proposed a number of technical amendments designed to help resolve these. Meanwhile, member states are not collecting the interim payments of supplementary levy due before the end of 1984–85. In the United Kingdom most of the work of the tribunals will be completed by next week. We shall then be able to finalise wholesale producers' secondary quota and calculate the total primary and secondary quota for direct sellers.

30. Mr. Ron Davies

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he is satisfied with the progress of the dairy produce quota scheme; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Jopling

I am glad to say that the main bulk of the England and Wales quota tribunal's work will be completed next week. We shall then be able to finalise wholesale producers' secondary quota and calculate the total primary and secondary quota for direct sellers.

I am satisfied that we are doing everything possible to operate the rules as flexibly and as helpfully as we can and I believe the system is as fair as it could be, given the need to settle quotas quickly.

We are, of course, aware of the need for changes in some areas, without predudice to the fundamental principles of the quota scheme. The Commission has now put forward a number of proposals which go some way towards meeting our requirements.