§ Mr. Stuart Hollandasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what information he has as to the aggregate assets of pension funds in 1957, 1967, 1977, 1983 and 1984.
§ Mr. Ian Stewart[pursuant to his reply, 6 February 1985, c. 593]: Estimates of total assets of pension funds, at end of year, valued at market prices, are as follows:
£ billion 1957 2.1 *1967 6.6 †1977 28.8 †1982 84.2 †1983 106.2 * Local authority funds within the total were at end-March 1968. † Net of short-term liabilities and long-term borrowing. Figures for end-1984 are not yet available.
§ Mr. Stuart Hollandasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what information he has as to (a) the absolute value and (b) the percentage share of (i) private sector, (ii) local authority and (iii) other public sector pensions funds in total pension funds in 1983 and 1984.
§ Mr. Ian Stewart[pursuant to his reply, 6 February 1985, c. 592]: Latest figures of the assets* of pension funds valued at market prices are as follows:
£ billion per cent. of total end-1982 end-1983 end-1982 end-1983 Private sector funds 48.9 62.5 58.0 58.9 Local authority funds 11.4 14.3 13.5 13.4 Other public sector funds 24.0 29.4 28.5 27.7 TOTAL, ALL FUNDS 84.2 106.2 100.0 100.0 * Net of short-term liabilities and long-term borrowing. Figures for 1984 are not yet available.