HC Deb 06 February 1985 vol 72 cc594-5W
Mr. Eggar

asked the Secretary of State for Defence if he will list all the nationalised industries, nongovernmental organisations and agencies for which his Department either has responsibility or provides funding, as well as those sections of his Department which provide services to the general public or to private organisations; and if he will indicate separately those which at present (a) charge no fees, (b) charge fees which do not fully cover the costs of providing those services, (c) charge fees which exactly cover the costs of providing those services and (d) charge fees which more than cover the costs of providing those services.

Mr. Butler:

The Ministry of Defence has responsibility for 18 non-departmental public bodies, of which 14 are purely advisory bodies receiving money only to cover members' expenses. The remaining four are International Military Services and the Services Sound and Vision Corporation which are limited companies, the National Army museum and the Royal Air Force museum. In addition, the Secretary of State for Defence is the sole shareholder of the Royal Ordnance plc. The MOD also has responsibilities for the Territorial Auxiliary and Volunteer Reserve Associations, Greenwich hospital and Travers estates, and the Royal hospital, Chelsea, which are all Crown bodies, and for the NAAFI, the Royal Naval Film Corporation and the Services' Sports Control Boards and cadet organisations. A list of the non-governmental organisations in receipt of grants-in-aid from the MOD is given in section 1K of the Supply Estimates, Class 1 (Defence). The MOD also subscribes to international organisations such as NATO.

The MOD provides the general public and private organisations with a wide range of services — for example, search and rescue, meteorological and hydrographic information and sports and recreational facilities. A comprehensive list of these services is not available and could be produced only at disproportionate cost.

As a general rule, charges are set to recover cost. However, many of the services utilise spare capacity and the charge then reflects marginal rather than full cost. Charges may also sometimes be waived or set below cost — for example, for military assistance where there is immediate danger to life, for services provided under reciprocal arrangements, and for services provided where significant publicity, recruiting, training or other defence benefits accrue to the MOD.

Benefit rates—Comparisons 1979 to 1984
A November 1979£ B November 1983£ C November 1984£ D C as a percentage of A per cent.
1. Retirement Pension (RP) —single 23.30 34.05 35.80 153.6
—couple 37.30 54.50 57.30 153.6
Non-contributory over 80's pension —single 14.00 20.45 21.50 153.6
—couple 22.40 32.70 34.35 153.3
2. Widows' Benefits (WB)
Widows' Allowance 32.60 47.65 50.10 153.7
Widowed Mothers' Allowance 23.30 34.05 35.80 153.6
Widows' Pension 23.30 34.05 35.80 153.6
Age-related widows' pension-30 per cent. to 93 per cent. of rate of widows' pension
3. Invalidity Pension (IVP) —single 23.30 32.60 34.25 147.0
—couple 37.30 52 15 54.80 146.9
Invalidity allowance —higher rate 4.0 7.15 7.50 153.1
—middle rate 3.10 4.60 4.80 154.8
—lower rate 1.55 2.30 2.40 154.8
4. employment Benefit (UB)
Under pension age —single 18.50 27.05 28.45 153.8
—couple 29.95 43.75 46.00 153.6
Over pension age —single 23.30 34.05 35.80 153.6
—couple 37.30 54.50 57.30 153.6
5. Sickness Benefit (SB)
Under pension age —single 18.50 25.95 27.25 147.3
—couple 29.95 41.95 44.05 147.1
Over pension age —single 23.30 32.60 34.25 147.0
—couple 37.30 52.15 54.80 146.9
6. Maternity Allowance (MA) —single 18.50 25.95 27.25 147.3
—couple 29.95 41.95 44.05 147.1
Maternity grant (lump sum) 25.00 25.00 25.00 100.0
7. Attendance Allowance —higher rate 18.60 27.20 28.60 153.8
—lower rate 12.40 18.15 19.10 154.0
8. Severe Disablement Allowance (SDA)/NCIP —single 14.00 20.45 21.50 153.6
—couple 22.40 32.70 34.35 153.3
9. Invalid Care Allowance(ICA) —singie 14.00 20.45 21.50 153.6

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