HC Deb 06 February 1985 vol 72 c581W
Mr. Jessel

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs whether any changes have occurred in his Department's cash limits for 1984–85 since 31 July 1984.

Mr. Renton:

The cash limit for Class II, Vote I, "Overseas Representation, Diplomatic, Consular and other Foreign and Commonwealth Services," will be increased by £820,000 from £373,968,000 to £374,788,000. The extra money is required to compensate for the effects in 1984–85 of increases in overseas inflation and adverse exchange rate movements.

The cash limit for Class II, Vote 4, the British Council, will be increased by £1,430,000 from £46,021,000 to £47,451,000. The increase represents that portion of overseas risen costs not covered in the cash limited provision announced on 31 July which falls to be financed by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Diplomatic Wing).

A Supplementary Estimate is also being submitted to cover the increased expenditure on the non-cash limited Class II, Vote 2, £5,500,000 which is required as a result of movements in exchange rates.

All the increases will be charged to the Reserve and are subject to parliamentary approval of the necessary Supplementary Estimates.