HC Deb 06 December 1985 vol 88 c387W
Mr. Lord

asked the Secretary of State for Defence if he will make a statement about British participation in the United States strategic defence initiative research programme.

Mr. Heseltine

In his letter of 26 March 1985 to NATO (and certain other) Defence Ministers, the United States Defence Secretary, Mr. Weinberger, said that the United States, consistent with her existing international obligations including the ABM treaty, wished to proceed with co-operative research with her allies in areas of technology that could contribute to the strategic defence initiative (SDI) research programme.

There have since been detailed discussions between the British and American Governments on areas of research in which it would be in our joint interest to co-operate, and on the arrangements to facilitate such co-operation. Agreement has been reached on an information exchange programme and on areas where United Kingdom companies and institutions have expertise which might form part of United States-funded SDI research.

A memorandum of understanding has been agreed which sets out the mechanisms for British participation in SDI research and which will be signed later this morning by the United States Defence Secretary and myself on behalf of our Governments.

To act as a focal point for British participation and to liaise with the United States strategic defence initiative office, an SDI participation office is being established within the Ministry of Defence immediately. This office will work in the closest concert with British companies and institutions interested in participating in SDI research.

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