HC Deb 18 April 1985 vol 77 c248W
Mr. Faulds

asked the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State answering in respect of the Arts whether, following his answer to the hon. Member for Warley, East on 3 April, Official Report, columns 647–48, he will state the effect on any unused acceptances in lieu Vote balances of discontinuance of the administrative arrangement whereby such unused balances are transferred to the National Heritage Memorial Fund; and whether the standard accounting practice entails their cancellation by reversion to the Consolidated Fund.

Mr. Waldegrave

Unused AIL Vote balances are transferred to the National Heritage Memorial Fund and this practice has not been discontinued. Under this arrangement unspent balances do not have to be surrendered to the Consolidated Fund.

Mr. Faulds

asked the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State answering in respect of the Arts whether he will specify any pre-eminent objects and property which have been accepted in satisfaction of capital transfer tax since the beginning of the present financial year, together with the amount of tax satisfied in each case, and stating whether any objects accepted carried conditions as to destination.

Mr. Waldegrave

No offers in lieu of tax have been accepted since the beginning of the financial year. However, the sum of £167,786 has been paid from this year's acceptance in lieu vote in respect of the Geoffrey Keynes collection, which was accepted in lieu at the end of the last financial year at a total cost of £194,000, of which £26,214 was found from the 1984–85 Vote.

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