HL Deb 17 April 1985 vol 462 c792WA
Lord Melchett

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will ask the Nature Conservancy Council to review:

  1. (a) the continued shooting of woodcock, golden plover and goldeneye;
  2. (b) the shooting of snipe between 12th August and 1st September each year;
  3. (c) the shooting of wildfowl at night; and
  4. (d) the practice of punt-gunning,
during their current review of the position of curlew and redshank.

Lord Skelmersdale

The Nature Conservancy Council keeps abreast of trends in wild bird populations and the effect various activities may have. I am advised that there is no evidence of any need for change in the continued shooting of woodcock, golden plover and goldeneye. The NCC is reviewing night shooting and punt-gunning, particularly with regard to potential damaging operations to SSSIs and the implications, especially disturbance, for waterfowl populations. It is also reviewing the shooting of snipe between 12th August and 1st September each year in the light of concern about disturbance to other breeding species.

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