HL Deb 15 April 1985 vol 462 cc593-4WA
Lord Chelwood

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether their advice from the Nature Conservancy Council confirms recent reports that large scale cruelty and injury to wild fauna in transit to this country is taking place, and that the present regulations are both inadequate and widely ignored, and, if so, what part they will play in seeking to strengthen them.

Lord Belstead

The Nature Conservancy Council has not offered advice to the Government on this matter. I understand that the reports are based on a study published recently by the Environmental Investigation Agency. The summary of the study in fact states that United Kingdom legislation has proved extremely successful in improving and maintaining adequate standards of shipment, and recommends other states to adopt similar legislation. I also understand that the report will be available at the Conference of parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species which begins on 22nd April. The United Kingdom will seek to ensure that other CITES parties take note of the report during the conference.