HC Deb 01 April 1985 vol 76 cc416-7W
Mr. Radice

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science (1) what information he has as to the number of students in the United Kingdom who have received awards from public funds for the purpose of postgraduate study in each of the last 20 years; and what was the total cost;

(2) what information he has as to the number of students in the United Kingdom who have received awards from public funds for the purpose of postgraduate study in each of the last 20 years, by gender;

(3) what information he has as to the number of postgraduate student awards which have been made in each of the last 20 years from public funds from each award-making body.

Sir Keith Joseph

The table provides for Great Britain, in 1982–83 and 1983–84, the number of postgraduate students in receipt of bursaries, studentships and fellowships from the Department and the research councils, and the costs to those bodies thereof.

Similar information for earlier years was published in Statistics of Education (vol. 5) Finance and Awards (HMSO), up to and including 1978–79, and thereafter in "Statistics of Finance and Awards" (DES), copies of which are available in the Library.

1982–83 1983–84
Number of postgraduates awards* Number of postgraduates awards*
Men Women Total Expenditure (£000) Men Women Total Expenditure† (£000)
Department of Education and Science (England and Wales)‡ 3,077 11,244 2,475 9,758
Agricultural and Food Research Council 62 51 113 538 61 51 112 558
Medical Research Council 899 509 1,408 5,715 869 592 1,461 6,694
Natural Environment Research Council 904 183 1,087 5,221 864 254 1,118 5,612
Science and Engineering Research Council 6,003 1,327 7,330 35,071 6,923 1,585 8,508 40,771
Economic and Social Research Council 1,163 651 1,814 9,031 1,154 669 1,823 8,044
Total 14,829 66,820 14,489 71,437
* Academic years
† Financial years
‡ Figures for men and women are not available separately in respect of awards made by the Department of Education and Science.

Mr. Radice

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science (1) what information he has as to the number of children of European Communities migrant workers who have received awards from public funds for the purpose of postgraduate study in the United Kingdom in each year since the United Kingdom joined the European Communities; and what was the award-making body;

(2) what information he has as to the number of students from member countries of the European Communities who have received awards from public funds for the purpose of postgraduate studie in the United Kingdom under the provisions of the Education (Fees and Awards) Act; and what was the award-making body in each case.

Sir Keith Joseph

This information is not collected by the Department.

Mr. Radice

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what percentage of Government spending on education in the United Kingdom in each of the last 20 years was represented by awards to postgraduate students.

Sir Keith Joseph

In both 1981–82 and 1982–83, the cost to the Department and the research councils of bursaries, studentships and fellowships to postgraduate students amounted to 0.5 per cent. of the total programme expenditure on education for Great Britain. Later information is not yet available, and that for preceding years could be provided only at disproportionate cost.

Mr. Radice

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science how many students deemed to be overseas students have received retrospective awards from public funds for the purpose of postgraduate study in the United Kingdom as a consequence of the judgment given in the House of Lords on 16 December 1982; and what was the award-making body in each case.

Sir Keith Joseph

According to information available to the Department, there has been only one such award made to a postgraduate student. The award-making body in that case was the Scottish Education Department.