HC Deb 31 October 1984 vol 65 c978W
Mr. Wheeler

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will give a breakdown of the total prison population at a recent convenient date to show the number of prisoners who had been in prison for under five years, between five and 10 years, between 10 and 15 years, between 15 and 20 years and over 20 years, respectively.

Mr. Mellor

The most recent information available on sentenced prisoners is given in the following table:

Mr. Terlezki

asked the Secretary of state for the Home Department how many miners and how many policemen have so far been killed or injured during the coal dispute.

Mr. Brittan

No police officers have been killed during the dispute. By Monday 29 October 1,022 had been injured.

miners have died, Mr. David Jones and Mr. John Green. Mr. Jones, a miner from Acton Hall colliery in South Yorkshire, died as a result of chest injuries after picketing at ollerton colliery, near Mansfield, on Wednesday 14 March. An inquest recorded an open verdict, there being insufficient evidence to show how he met his death. I am informed that the police were not involved in any incidents which might have given rise to his injuries.

Mr. John Green, previously a miner at Kellingley colliery, died after being knocked down by a lorry while picketing at the Ferrybridge power station in West Yorkshire on Friday 15 June. An inquest is in train.

It is not possible to provide an accurate figure for the number of miners injured, because not all cases would be reported to the police.