HC Deb 29 October 1984 vol 65 c776W
Mr. Andrew F. Bennett

asked the Secretary of State for Employment for what reasons the Health and Safety Executive employed IFSSEC Ltd. to organise a conference on design against noise on 7 November 1984; if it was put out to tender; how much delegates are being charged; how much each of the speakers is being paid; and how any profit will be shared by IFSSEC Ltc. and the Health and Safety Executive.

Mr. Peter Bottomley

The Health and Safety Executive invited IFSSEC Ltd. to organise a conference on design against noise as part of the Health and Safety Commission's current efforts to promote awareness of the need for British industry to take action to control noise at work. The organisation of this conference was not put out to tender but a number of possible organisers were considered. All costs and risks are being borne by IFSSEC Ltd., which will accordingly retain any profit and meet any loss. Charges for attendance and payments to speakers have been determined by the organisers. The attendance fee is £92 inclusive of VAT and I understand that the fees paid to speakers will be in the range normally offered for this type of conference.