HC Deb 22 November 1984 vol 68 cc239-40W
Ms. Richardson

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what is the incidence of cervical cancer for the female population under the age of 35 years in England and Wales for the most recent period available.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke

The latest available figures for England and Wales for newly diagnosed cases of cervical cancer are shown in the table.

Numbers of newly diagnosed cases of cancer of the cervix uteri and carcinoma in situ of cervix uteri and rates per 100,000 female population for ages under 35 years, 1981 England and Wales
Age groups Number Rate
Cancer of cervix uteri
Total under 35 611 5.0
Under 15
15 to 19 1 0.0
20 to 24 42 2.3
25 to 29 209 12.5
30 to 34 359 19.4
Carcinoma in situ of cervic uteri
Total under 35 3,237 26.3
Under 15
15 to 19 12 0.6
20 to 24 385 20.8
25 to 29 1,260 75.4
30 to 34 1,580 85.6

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